Face of Marcel Lahaye

Marcel Lahaye

Research Assistant

Room 2.82
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+49 241 80-21068



My main research area is processes to improve the workflows around project-documentation in the area of personal and digital fabrication, especially hobbyist crafters and makers.

The maker community relies on process documentation and sharing knowledge to get inspired for new projects and reduce the repetition of errors within the community. However, process documentation can interrupt the crafting workflow and feel tedious. To help makers optimize their processes to document, I want to understand the documentation selection process and provide guidelines and templates based on observations and interviews to improve the documentation quality. Additionally, I want to create systems and interfaces that support the maker during the crafting process by tracking what they are doing and generating a template of used materials and tools to include in a documentation where the maker only needs to add their personal touch in the end.

The end goal is a system that acts as a supportive guide without distracting or interrupting the crafting workflow which is at the core of the maker hobby while improving the quality of the resulting documentation as a benefit for all stakeholders of the maker community.

Thesis Supervision

Fortunately, I am close to finishing my PhD studies. Unfortunately, this means that I will not be able to supervise any further theses. Thank you to all the students who entrusted me with being their supervisor in the past! I am grateful for your trust and the great collaborations.


Bachelor Thesis about exploring augmented reality visualisations for physical indoor search Supervisor: Nur Al-huda Hamdan with Co-Supervisor Christian Corsten
Master Thesis about Modeling Reachability on Curved Mobile Touchscreens Supervisor: Simon Voelker and Christian Corsten



Video capturing and editing
Programmierung für Alle (Java) '13, iPhone Application Programming WS 13/14
Mobile conference App
The mobile schedule of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST) 2012 in Cambridge, MA, USA. (in collaboration with IKA)
Interdisciplinary Project to develop future interfaces of computer aided manufacturing and to improve the quality of future working environments in this area.
Student Volunteer at Mensch und Computer 2016
German Conference about Human Computer Interaction and Usability Professionals
Fab Academy 2016 Graduate
Fab Academy 2017 Instructor

The Fab Academy is a fast paced, hands-on learning experience where students plan and execute a new project each week. Each individual documents their progress for each project, resulting in a personal portfolio of technical accomplishments. (Source)
Maker Faire Rome 2016 Staff at the Media Computing Exhibition Booth

Maker Faire is the Greatest Show (and Tell) on Earth—a family-friendly festival of invention, creativity and resourcefulness, and a celebration of the Maker movement. (Source)



Winter 2022/23 Designing Interactive Systems 1
Lecture TA
Summer 2022 Current Topics in HCI
Lecture TA
Winter 2021/22 Designing Interactive Systems 1
Lecture TA
Summer 2021 Current Topics in HCI
Lecture TA
Winter 2020/21 Designing Interactive Systems 1
Lecture TA
Summer 2020 Proseminar: Human-Computer Interaction
Seminar Organizer
Winter 2019/20 Seminar: Post-Desktop User Interfaces
Seminar Organizer
Summer 2019 Current Topics in HCI
Lecture TA
Winter 2018/19 Proseminar: Human-Computer Interaction
Seminar Organizer



Fab:UNIverse Zukunftsvisionen der Maker Bewegung
Workshop organized by the VINN:Lab at TH Wildau about the future of Fab Labs with a university context.
Discussed topics:
  • What is the difference from Fab Labs with a university context to general makerspaces
  • Which chances are provided by the university context and how can we learn from each other
  • Which purpose/function do we have in the maker movement and how can the movement evolve


Supervised Theses

2022 Mark Christy George Using Machine Learning to Enable Material Substitutions in Maker Projects (Master Thesis)
2022 Ricarda Rahm Automating User Skill Evaluation to Provide Matching DIY Tutorials (Master Thesis)
2021 Michael Assad Magora: A live maker process documentation platform (Bachelor Thesis, co-supervised with René Schäfer)
2020 Lia Schulze Dephoff Why are you using a screwdriver? Exploring virtual process documentation assistance agents in the maker community (Master Thesis)
2020 Vivian Huff "Why is the Parts List Missing?" Understanding User Parameters for Hardware Documentation Selection in the Maker Community (Master Thesis)
2019 Tanja Golinski Understanding Hardware Documentation Processes in the Maker Community (Master Thesis)
2018 Reding Jeff Don’t Touch Me:Communicating Immovability of Tangibles on Interactive Tabletops (Bachelor Thesis, co-supervised with Christian Cherek)
2018 Frederik Menke Tracking Manufacturing Workflows in Makerspace Environments (Bachelor Thesis)

Supervised Theses (Second Supervision)

2022 Anika Flocken Anforderungsanalyse an ein Tool zur Studienverlaufsplanung aus Studierendensicht (Bachelor Thesis,
first supervision: Prof. Dr. Ulrik Schroeder (i9))
2022 Yasmin Döhner Activity Completion Tracking in Learning Management Systems. (Master Thesis,
first supervision: Prof. Dr. Ulrik Schroeder (i9))
2019 Hong An Nguyen Die Auswirkung von ästhetischem Empfinden und Benutzerfreundlichkeit auf den Erfolg in Multi-Touch-Lernspielen. (Master Thesis,
first supervision: Prof. Dr. Ulrik Schroeder (i9))
2019 Yasmin Döhner Guideline zum Lernen mit dem Gerät über das Gerät für verschiedene Zielgruppen. (Bachelor Thesis,
first supervision: Svenja Noichl (i9))
2019 Prudhvee Nalluri Improve basic Computer Science competences using Video Infographics (Master Thesis,
first supervision: Svenja Noichl (i9))




  • Paul Preuschoff, Sarah Sahabi, René Schäfer, Lea Schirp, Marcel Lahaye and Jan Borchers. Groups vs. Booking Websites: Investigating Collaborative Strategies Against Deceptive Patterns.  In Extended Abstracts of the 2025 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI EA '25 (Forthcoming), pages 9, Association for Computing Machinery, April 2025.
    BibTeX Entry
  • 2024

  • Marcel Lahaye, Ricarda Rahm, Andreas Dymek, Adrian Wagner, Judith Ernstberger and Jan Borchers. How’s Your Sewing? Investigating Metrics to Automatically Assess Sewing Expertise.  In Extended Abstracts of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI '24, pages 7, Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, May 2024.
    HomepagePDF DocumentBibTeX Entry
  • 2023

  • Marcel Lahaye, Vivian Isabel Reinartz, Sarah Sahabi and Jan Borchers. Towards Authoring Tools For DIY Tutorials: From Tutorial User Strategies to Guidelines (Free Template Included!).  In Mensch Und Computer 2023, MuC '23, pages 380–386, Association for Computing Machinery, September 2023.
    HomepagePDF DocumentBibTeX Entry
  • 2021

  • Jan Borchers, Anke Brocker and Marcel Lahaye. Lernkarten-Set 3D-Druck. Bombini Verlag, December 2021.
    PDF DocumentBibTeX Entry
  • Iris Bockermann, Jan Borchers, Anke Brocker, Marcel Lahaye, Antje Moebus, Stefan Neudecker, Oliver Stickel, Melanie Stilz, Daniel Wilkens, René Bohne, Volkmar Pipek and Heidi Schelhowe. Handbuch Fab Labs. Bombini Verlag, August 2021.
    PDF DocumentBibTeX Entry
  • 2019

  • Christian Corsten, Marcel Lahaye, Jan Borchers and Simon Voelker. ForceRay: Extending Thumb Reach via Force Input Stabilizes Device Grip for Mobile Touch Input.  In Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI '19, pages 212:1–212:10, ACM, New York, NY, USA, May 2019.
    HomepageMoviePDF DocumentBibTeX Entry
  • Marcel Lahaye. Modeling Reachability on Curved Mobile Touchscreens. Master's Thesis, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, April 2019.
    PDF DocumentBibTeX Entry
  • 2016

  • Nur Al-huda Hamdan, Marcel Lahaye, Christian Corsten and Jan Borchers. Presentation Strategies for Micro-Navigation in the Physical World.  In Extended Abstracts of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI EA '16, pages 3062–3068,May 2016.
    HomepagePDF DocumentBibTeX Entry
  • 2015

  • Marcel Lahaye. Augmented Reality in Hierarchical Micro-Navigation. Bachelor's Thesis, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, March 2015.
    PDF DocumentBibTeX Entry

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