The Media Computing Group in the Press



Mit 3-D-Druckern gegen die Corona-Krise. Neue Züricher Zeitung, Apr 15, 2020 (Local cached copy.)


RWTH insight celebrates 10 years of Aachen Maker meetup in the latest issue. Since 2015 the maker meetup takes place monthly at our lab and attracts a wide audience from makers and hackers to designers. On a side note, the red triangle promoting 150 years of RWTH was printed in our Fab Lab. Oct 8, 2019 (Local cached copy.)


Digitale Renaissance des Bastlertums. Deutschlandfunk Kultur national radio, Dec 9, 2018

The chair will cooperate for a qualification program for people with visual impairment with the Berufsförderwerk Düren (Aachener Zeitung, Dec 20 2018). Find the article here
Informationstour "Erfahrbares Lernen" on TV: Our TABULA research project has been selected as one of four flagship projects in the Tangible Learning Initiative of the German Ministry of Science and Education (BMBF). TABULA uses an original invention of our chair — graspable, physical "tangibles" that are tracked by a large, modern capacitive touch table display — to help student teams learn fundamental computer science concepts more easily together. The BMBF has organized a roadshow that travelled to Munich, Bremen, Leipzig and also to Aachen.
Here is the WDR Lokalzeit aus Aachen Report (19.11.2018)

Alle Wege führen nach Meckenheim, Express, August 26, 2018. (Local cached copy.)

Mr. Öcher Schängche gibt es bald aus dem 3D-Drucker, Aachener Nachrichten, May 15, 2018. (Local cached copy.)

Our Virtual Conductor / Personal Orchestra is featured in EuroWings inflight magazine No. 44 (March & April 2018), pp. 20–21. (Local cached copy.) (Mar 26, 2018)

The chair with the associated spin-off Laserkatze showed guests from the "Ball der Wirtschaft" what laser cutting in the creative sector is all about. (Jul 8, 2018) Find the article here

The chair and the associated spin-off Laserkatze supported the CHIO in Aachen. (Jul 8, 2018) Find the article here


Haptic Vest at BMBF: We demonstrated our Haptic Vest 2.0 at the Open House Event of the Ministry of Education and Science (BMBF) as one of four examples of the new high-tech strategy of the federal government this weekend. Jan Thar and Sophy Stönner from our lab demonstrated their latest prototypes of the vest to research minister Prof. Wanka (left photo) and numerous other guests. Details in the event reports on the BMBF homepage and on the pages of the Photonics Research Initiative Germany. (Aug 27, 2017)

(Image credits: BMBF/Hans-Joachim Rickel (left), RWTH Lehrstuhl Medieninformatik/Jan Thar (right))

Haptic Vest at Laser 2017: Our Haptic Vest 2.0 was presented at Laser 2017 in Munich. Report by Open Photonik at 1'54" (Aug 28, 2017). We were also featured in the catalog:

Haptic Vest on TV: Our Haptic Vest 2.0, a wearable vest that renders depth images from a front-facing camera onto the wearer's torso using an array of vibration motors, enabling people with vision impairments to avoid obstacles while walking, was featured in a dedicated TV report in WDR Lokalzeit Aachen today. The report starts at 14'50" into the program (in German). Click the image below for a local cached copy. (Jun 13, 2017)

"FLApp" für die etwas andere Stadttour, Aachener Zeitung, May 9, 2017, in German. (Local cached copy).


Bericht Hannovermesse 2017, bei das Personal Photonics Projekt die haptische Weste für Blinde auf dem Stand des Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung präsentieren durfte, Lokalzeit Aachen, April 24, 2017. Weitere Berichte über den Messeauftritt auf den Webseiten des BMBF und der Photonik Forschung Deutschland. Bild der Weste unter Impressionen der Leitmesse Research and Technology 2017 sowie in der Messezeitung:

Basteln auf Industrieniveau, Wirtschaftszeitung Aktiv, April 26, 2017


Interview zum Thema Druckerwahl, 3Dnatives, November 17, 2016

Informatik-Studenten sollen mit Tabula besser lernen, Deutschlandfunk, July 16, 2016

Projekt Tabula: Es geht los!, e-zine Nr. 179, Elektor Media, June 17, 2016.

Maker – digitale Schöpfer demokratisieren die Produktion, Eco-Audiomagazin Podcast, Feb 25, 2016


So schafft es der 3D-Drucker ins Wohnzimmer Wirtschafts Woche, Sep 18, 2015
Mit dem Aixplorer durchs Centre Charlemagne Aachener Nachrichten, Jun 17, 2015
Aixplorer Audioguide: Kein umständliches Eintippen mehr, Jun 15, 2015


OLED-Installation im Neubau des Bundesforschungsministeriums,, Nov 25, 2014
ROBOLED, our Steampunk Victorian robot exhibit for the foyer of the new building of the German Ministry of Science and Education (BMBF) in Berlin officially opened today. The robot arm types on an iPad, which in turn controls a high-tech OLED display from Philips. The exhibit demonstrates the need for open hardware and software interfaces to allow the Maker/DIY community to contribute to innovations in high-tech industries. Press release, in German
Einmal Karajan sein, WDR Television, Lokalzeit Aachen, Oct 17, 2014

3D-Druck Marke Eigenbau, login Magazine, regio iT GmbH, Summer 2014, pp.24–25.

Karriereführer Magazin.pdf
Die Zukunft des 3D-Drucks: Interview mit Prof. Jan Borchers, WDR Television, Lokalzeit Aachen, Aug 26, 2014

140825 WDR Lokalzeit Aachen 3D-Druck.mp4


Materialmix für 3D-Druck, arte future, arte national TV, Angela Volkner, Tuesday, October, 29th, 2013 (in German)


3D DRUCK - EINE UMWELTBILANZ, arte future, arte national TV, Angela Volkner, Tuesday, October, 29th, 2013 (in German)


Alles aus dem Drucker, interview and report on the future of 3D printing, nano science magazine, 3SAT national TV, Tuesday, August 20, 2013 (in German).

3D-Drucker im Aufwind: Hype oder industrielle Revolution? MM MaschinenMarkt Magazine, issue 25/2013 (in German). (June 18, 2013)

3D Printing Food, part of a report on the future of food, Weck Up Magazine, SAT.1 national TV channel, Sunday, Apr 14, 2013, 8am (in German). Our food printer in action.

Gestensteuerung: Mit einem Wink ist alles weg, WirtschaftsWoche Online, March 13 2013 (in German).

Die Madonna und ihr Aachener Klon, Aachener Zeitung, February 23 2013 (in German).

Sensoren helfen Wintersportanfängern, Heise online, January 16 2013 (in German)


Der digitale Schreibtisch, WDR, Stefan Schlitt, 14. März 2012 (in German)

Saltate! Eine Maschine, die Menschen das Tanzen beibringt Radiobeitrag WDR4, Ingo Wagner, 31. Januar 2012


top bei iTunes U, campushunter WS 11/12, S. 119, Trends aus der Informatik (in German)

n-tv Ratgeber Hightech, Andreas Leimbach-Niaz, November 11, 2011 (in German) (MPEG-4 Video)

Design wie von Zauberhand Geo Magazin 11/11 Seite 104-105, Annette Jensen, October 24, 2011 (in German)

RWTH führt die Liste der top-Downloads auf iTunes U an. Nachrichtenbeitrag auf AntenneAC, October 13, 2011 (in German) (MP3 audio)
Die Zukunft selbst gestalten computerclub2, Wolfgang Back und Wolfgang Rudolph, September 22, 2011 (in German) (MPEG-4 video)

Schüler auf der Suche nach dunkler Materie, Aachener Nachrichten, Eschweiler, p. 17, July 21, 2011 (in German). Also see our Arduino workshop presentation.

Wunder aus dem Drucker, FOCUS Magazin Nr. 23/11, pp. 54–58, Frank Fleschner, June 6, 2011 (in German)

Der Computer gibt den Takt vor: Die Software "Saltate" hilft tanzen lernen, nano Wissenschaftsmagazin, 3sat TV, April 29, 2011 (in German) (MPEG-4 video).

Neue Interaktionstechniken: Vom Desktop zum BendDesk, Campushunter SS11 (in German)

Die kleinsten Fabriken der Welt - 3D-Drucker auf dem Vormarsch, Planetopia, SAT.1 TV, March 6, 2011 (in German) (cached copy in low resolution / high resolution)


Kurven statt Kanten Wissenschaftler entwickeln Schreibtisch der Zukunft (in German), Dec 3, 2010.

Forscher entwickeln den Schreibtisch der Zukunft (in German), covering our BendDesk multi-surface workstation, Handelsblatt Online, Dec 1, 2010.

Fab Labs in der Gesellschaft, Bayerischer Rundfunk, ON3 Südwild (starts 50 minutes into the video), Nov 24, 2010

Die Rückkehr des Anfassbaren - Was kommt nach Multitouch-Screens? Campushunter, WS 2010/2011 (in German)

Transmaterial 3 features an article about SLAP (Transmaterial 3, p. 239)

Multitouch-Tische zum Leben erwecken (Grenz-Echo, in German, August 13, 2010)

Madgets erwecken Multitouch-Tische zum Leben (Press release in German, August 3, 2010)

Wir sind Charlemagne (German article about the Route Charlemagne, July 7, 2010)

Saltate! in Tatort Wissenschaft (in press)

Gemeinsam in Bewegung, (RWTH Alumni keep in touch Nr. 49 2010)
"Die RWTH ist auf der EXPO 2010 in Shanghai vertreten (...)"

Federal President Horst Köhler visits Silhouettes experience at Expo 2010 (May 19, 2010)
Germany's Federal President Horst Köhler and his wife visited the German-Chinese House at EXPO 2010 in Shanghai today, and played the Silhouettes city building game with a group of German school children. After playing the game, Köhler stopped by the exhibition area in the German-Chinese House to see the city block he created with his group, and to discuss the ideas behind Silhouettes with Prof. Russell and Prof. Borchers.
The interactive experience was developed by Prof. Peter Russell's Chair for CAAD and Prof. Jan Borchers' Chair for Media Computing at RWTH Aachen University. Located inside a unique bamboo structure, Silhouettes lets visitors create their own city block using body gestures. Reminiscent of traditional Chinese shadowplay, each group of 16 visitors can use their digital body shadows to create buildings, trees, power lines and water pipes on a 15-meter video wall.
By letting visitors create a digital neighborhood on their own, the game is taking up the EXPO 2010 theme of urban development. The resulting city block of each group, together with a group photo, is made available online as part of a growing 3D virtual city.
The game runs on Apple hardware under Mac OS X. It was developed for the "Germany and China - Moving Ahead Together" initiative of both governments, and is the center of their German-Chinese House at EXPO that will be open until June 25, 2010. A two-player version of the system is installed at the Media Computing Group at RWTH.
General information (including link to DPA photo of Köhler playing Silhouettes): The growing Silhouettes virtual city online (Köhler's city block is #3545):

Wie Aachener Forscher das mobile Internet der Zukunft mitgestalten (ZDnet, in German) May 14, 2010

Aachen: Medieninformatikerin setzt Erfolgsserie der RWTH fort (Euregio Aktuell, in German) May 11, 2010

Bau dir eine Stadt im Schattenspiel Our Silhouettes—An Interactive Collaborative Gesture–Based Experience for the EXPO 2010 Shanghai—is in the news. (Jülicher Nachrichten, in German) Apr 30, 2010

UMIC Day Radio Report with Interviews about DRAGON and TWEND (Radio am Alex, in German) Apr 28, 2010

Yvonne Jansen receives CHI 2010 Student Research Competition Award: Yvonne Jansen, Diploma student at Prof. Jan Borchers' Media Computing Group, a B-IT endowed Chair at RWTH Aachen University, won the 2nd place in the Undergraduate Student Research Competition at ACM CHI 2010 today. Three undergraduate and three graduate (PhD) students received awards after a three-phase selection process from a total of 56 submissions. As a result, Yvonne received a medal and a monetary prize from ACM. Yvonne received the award for her work on Mudpad, a new technique to bring localized, active haptic feedback to multitouch tables and similar surfaces using magnetorheological fluid. Just for the competition, Yvonne created a small "travel" version of her table-size system, using the prototyping facilities at the group's Fab Lab. After Gero Herkenrath in 2008 and Marcus Reul in 2009, this is the third year in series for the Media Computing Group to bring home an award in this competition. CHI is the premier international conference in Human-Computer Interaction, organized by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), with a below-25% acceptance rate. The Media Computing Group conducts research in Human-Computer Interaction, and continues to be Germany's most successful research group in terms of archival publications at CHI (Apr 15, 2010).

Trends aus der Informatik: iTunes, iPhone Apps und die RWTH, Campushunter, SS 2010, Seite 81

Zahnbürste aus dem 3D-Drucker im Fab Lab in Manchester, Golem IT News, Mar 31, 2010

iPhone Application Programming: RWTH Aachen bietet Kurs unter iTunes U an. Bericht über die iPhone Application Programming Vorlesung auf,


Taktvoll: In der City lässt sich Musik interaktiv erleben Quelle unbekannt, Dec 9, 2009
Bericht über den Relaunch des Personal Orchestra heute0912.jpg
Haus der Musik: Neuer "Virtueller Dirigent"
Bericht über den Relaunch des Personal Orchestra, Quelle unbekannt. virt dir.pdf
Schon gehört?, ORF Radio Ö1, Dec 20, 2009,
Radiobericht über den Relaunch des Personal Orchestra. Bericht als Mp3

Eröffnung des ersten Fab Labs in Deutschland, WDR Lokalzeit Aachen , Dec 9, 2009
Fernsehbericht über die Eröffnung unseres Fab Labs.

Geschenk der Zukunft kommt aus dem Drucker, Aachener Nachrichten, Dec 9, 2009, Seite 3
Zeitungsartikel über die Eröffnung unseres Fab Labs. Artikel als PDF
High-Tech-Produktion für den Hausgebrauch, Aachener Zeitung, Dec 9, 2009, Titelseite
Zeitungsartikel über die Eröffnung unseres Fab Labs. Artikel als PDF
Training für kleine Karajans, W24 TV, Vienna, Nov 27, 2009
TV report about the re-launch of the Virtual Conductor ( Personal Orchestra ) at the House Of Music in Vienna. (In German) --video cached on our server, 11.6 MB
People @ atoms&bits 09, October 2nd, 2009:
Interview: René Bohne stellt eine LumiNet Jacke auf dem atoms&bits Festival in Berlin vor. (Anja Krieger, German)

Tactile Motion Instructions, Hörfunkregionalnachrichten aus Aachen und der Euregio, Sep 3, 2009, 16:31 & 17:31.

Media Computing Group auf der SchülerUniversität Informatik, Aug 14, 2009
Im Rahmen der SchülerUniversität Informatik 2009 brachten wir Oberstufenschülern und -schülerinnen das Forschungsgebiet der Mensch-Computer Interaktion näher.

TypeRight: Tastatur ohne Tippfehler, WDR Lokalzeit kompakt, Aug 11, 2009, 19:30.

Der Virtuelle Dirigent reloaded, July 15th, 2009:
Der "Virtuelle Dirigent" im Haus der Musik wurde überarbeitet - Direktor Simon K. Posch gib in seinem Interview einen Überblick über die Neugestaltung. (Haus der Musik, German)

Libros electrónicos como los de papel, July 12th, 2009:
An online article by the Spanish branch of the "Deutsche Welle" about our flexible eBook reader TWEND.

"Wir Informatiker vertrauen der Technik nicht" (PDF, 1.26 Mb), June 27th, 2009:
Wochenendinterview: Professor Jan Borchers hat den Aixplorer für die Route Charlemagne entworfen. Computer soll unsichtbar werden. (Aachener Zeitung, German)

Route Charlemagne Opening, June 27th, 2009:
Das Aachener Rathaus ist als erste Station der Route Charlemagne zugänglich. Der Krönungssaal im Mittelalter-Ambiente, eine Hörstation im Werkmeistergericht und Info-Stelen im Treppenhaus machen Aachens Geschichte erlebbar. (WDR Lokalzeit, German)

Geschichte hören, fühlen und anfassen (PDF, 215.56 Kb), June 26th, 2009:
Das Rathaus ist als erste Station der Route Charlemagne fertig. Der „Aixplorer“ führt durch die renovierten Räume. Interaktive Exponate. (Aachener Zeitung, German)

Für das Rathaus bricht eine neue Ära an (PDF, 209.77 Kb), June 26th, 2009:
Als erste Station der Route Charlemagne wird es ab Samstag zugänglich sein. Modernste Technik in historischem Ambiente. (Aachener Nachrichten, German)

Aachener Zeitung, Usability-Kolumne (PDF, 223.60 Kb), June 25th, 2009:
Müssen Handys wirklich immer komplizierter in der Handhabung werden? Wissenschaftler antworten. (Aachener Zeitung, German)

DFG-Projekte auf der MS Wissenschaft, June 17th, 2009:
TWEND ist eines der Exponate auf der "MS Wissenschaft".

SLAP was a huge success at CHI 2009, May 5, 2009:
SLAP Widgets add movable, tactile controls to your surface computer, (note from EnGadget).
Slap Widgets Bring Physical Controls To Multitouch, (note from Gizmodo).

Research Competition Award, Apr 16, 2009:
Marcus Reul, Diploma thesis student at the Media Computing Group, won 3rd place in Undergraduate Student Research Competition at CHI 2009 with his work on "Bringing Usability to Industrial Control Systems". 3 undergrad and 3 grad students were selected from a total of 93 submissions. Marcus receives a monetary prize from ACM, and will move on to the ACM Grand Finals in 2010.

Die Tastatur denkt mit (PDF, 154.78 KB), Mar 25, 2009:
… covers the presentation of the four projects SLAP, TypeRight, Fly, and Tactile Motion Instructions at CHI 2009 conference in Boston from April 4.-9. (Video)
Publisher: Pressestelle der RWTH Aachen.

Ein Stadtführer, der auf Satelliten hört (PDF, 3.13 MB), Jan 27, 2009:
… covers the upcoming launch of Aixplorer (working title). Aixplorer, part of the Route Charlemange project, is an interactive audio/video tour guide that will present information about interesting places according to the user's location, starting with the Aachen City Hall (Rathaus).
Publisher: Aachener Zeitung.

Elitärer Platz im Internet: RWTH Aachen bietet Vorlesungen über Webplattform iTunes an, Aachener Zeitung, Jan 15, 2009, p. 3.
... covers the launch of RWTH Aachen University on iTunes U, in which the university is making lecture recordings available as a free download. See for details. (Alternative PDF of the article)

2008 and earlier

Informatik und Telekommunikation - Ausbildung gut vernetzt (life+science), Vol.3, 2008

Der Computer ist schuld, nicht Du! (Aachener Nachrichten), Als Meister den Taktstock schwingen (Aachener Zeitung)Jun 21, 2008:
On June 20, Professor Borchers gave an introduction to usable technology, and presented the Personal Orchestra as an example, for around 1,000 children between 7 and 11 years, in the Audimax main auditorium of RWTH Aachen University. The event was part of the Kids' University Kinderuni initiative.
Publisher: Aachener Nachrichten.

Documentary about "Haus der Klänge" in Vienna (video, 28 MB), July 2007:
... covers House of Music in Vienna and our Personal Orchestra exhibit The Virtual Conductor.
Publisher: ZDFinfokanal.

Interview with Prof. Borchers on radio (MP3, 1.8 MB), Oct 2006:
... covers the demo of Personal Orchestra at the Beethovenfest in Bonn.
Publisher: Radio Bonn/Rhein-Sieg.

Spektakuläre "Ideenskizzen" (PDF, 160 KB), Oct 02, 2006:
... covers the preview exhibitions for Bauhaus Europa in Aachen.
Publisher: Aachener Nachrichten.

Die Philharmoniker mögen keine Trödelei (PDF, 142 KB), Sep 29, 2006:
... covers the preview exhibitions for Bauhaus Europa in Aachen.
Publisher: Aachener Zeitung.

Sehr gute Zwischenbilanz des Beethovenfestes Bonn 2006 (PDF, 52 KB), Sep 19, 2006:
... covers the demo of Personal Orchestra at the Beethovenfest in Bonn.
Publisher: Beethovenfest Bonn. The article is also online.

Sie haben das Stück wohl noch nie gehört (PDF, 255 KB), Sep 16, 2006:
... covers the demo of Personal Orchestra at the Beethovenfest in Bonn.
Publisher: General-Anzeiger Bonn.

Eine kleine Nachtmusik dirigieren (PDF, 44 KB), Sep 14, 2006:
... covers the demo of Personal Orchestra at the Beethovenfest in Bonn.
Publisher: Aachener Nachrichten. The article is also online.

Informatik erobert Kinderzimmer (PDF, 93 KB), May 15, 2006:
... covers the demo of Personal Orchestra at Tag Der Informatik in Münster.
Publisher: Westfälische Nachrichten. The article is also online.

Alles andere als Kinderkram (PDF, 77 KB), May 15, 2006:
... covers the demo of Personal Orchestra at Tag Der Informatik in Münster.
Publisher: Münstersche Zeitung. The article is also online.

It's an `Artastic' day to be a kid (JPG, 285 KB), Mar 11, 2006:
... covers the `It's Artastic!' exhibit opening at the Betty Brinn Children's Museum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, which includes Maestro! a.k.a. Personal Orchestra 3.
Publisher: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. The article is also online.

More Than Mice, Sep 1, 2005:
The professional audio magazine MIX talks about our student project Bangarama in their online report from the NIME 2005 conference (halfway down the article).
Publisher: MIX (magazine for the professional recording and sound production technology industry).

Rex fand neue Freunde (JPG, 1.37 MB), July 25, 2005:
... contains more information on the REX interactive exhibits preview in the Salzstadl in Regensburg.
Publisher: Mittelbayerische Zeitung. The online version of the articles on the newspaper website is missing the full pictures.

Superhirne erlauben Bad im Mittelalter (JPG, 1.29 MB ), Mit einem Wisch ins Mittelalter (JPG, 362 KB), July 23, 2005:
... covers the REX interactive exhibits preview in the Salzstadl in Regensburg. Approximate quote: "Medieninformatik-Asse bauen Drehleier mit Superhirn" ... :-)
Publisher: Mittelbayerische Zeitung. The online version of the articles on the newspaper website is missing the full pictures.

Es geht auch „ohne“! Spielerische Alternativen zu Maus und Tastatur (PDF, 1.05 MB):
... contains short descriptions of personal orchestra, worldbeat and virtual vienna as well as a brief introduction to the media space.
Publisher: Technik im Klartext Newsletter 2/2004 (Hochschulradio Aachen).

Einmal die Wiener Philharmoniker dirigieren? (PDF 532.24 kB)::
... contains short descriptions of personal orchestra and worldbeat.
Publisher: RWTHinsight 4/2003 (RWTH press office).

File Description File size Downloads Last modified
4030superhirnesmall.jpg REX MZ article 1 1259 kB 11539 2005-07-23 18:21
4031ericsmall.jpg REX MZ article 2 353 kB 10075 2005-07-23 18:24
4099rexfriendsarticlemzsmall.jpg   1340 kB 10425 2005-07-25 13:08
po3press.jpg PO3 press 278 kB 9597 2006-03-12 03:52
060515 PO Mnstersche Zeitung.pdf   75 kB 9423 2006-06-19 18:30
060515 PO Westflische Nachrichten.pdf   91 kB 10755 2006-06-19 18:30
PersonalOrchestra_im_GA1.pdf 060916 PO General-Anzeiger Bonn 249 kB 8042 2006-09-18 17:48
Eine kleine Computermusik dirigieren.pdf 060914 Achener Nachrichten Regional 43 kB 8134 2006-09-23 13:50
20060919_beethovenfest_bonn.pdf 060914 Homepage Beethovenfest Bonn 51 kB 8130 2006-09-28 22:08
060929_PO_AZA1S.0.015.PDF 060929 Bauhaus Europa - Aachener Zeitung 138 kB 10127 2006-10-06 10:28
061002AN.pdf 061002 Bauhaus Europa - Aachener Nachrichten 155 kB 11972 2006-10-11 10:55
Wiener Philharmoniker_low.mp3 0610 Interview at Radio Bonn/Rhein-Sieg 1750 kB 9231 2006-10-12 02:20
Als Meister den Taktstock schwingen.pdf   24 kB 8684 2008-07-18 11:05
080621_ANArtikel Kinderuni Seite 5AB Cropped.pdf   3626 kB 10020 2008-07-18 11:12
2008_10_09_10_12_41.pdf life+science 178 kB 9762 2008-10-09 10:21
090115 iTunes U AZ.pdf   2649 kB 9643 2009-01-16 13:17
090127 Route Charlemagne AZ.pdf 090127 Route Charlemagne Aachener Zeitung 3210 kB 10491 2009-03-17 00:06
090325_Informatiker auf der CHI_Pressestelle.pdf 090325_Informatiker auf der CHI_Pressestelle der RWTH 155 kB 10935 2009-03-31 18:21
090625 AZ S.5 UsabilityKolumne Cropped.pdf   224 kB 14266 2009-07-01 14:39
090626 AN RCBericht.pdf   210 kB 9657 2009-07-01 14:39
090626 AZ S.13 RCBericht Cropped.pdf   216 kB 10452 2009-07-01 14:39
090627 AZ Wochenendinterview Route Charlemagne.pdf   1287 kB 11201 2009-07-01 14:41
FabLab AN.pdf FabLab AN 151 kB 6960 2009-12-10 02:04
FabLab AZ.pdf Artikel als PDF 207 kB 6496 2009-12-10 02:06
Schon gehrt_ Teil 2 (20.12.2009).MP3   2397 kB 7518 2010-01-04 11:51
virt dir.pdf   625 kB 7745 2010-01-04 12:00
heute0912.jpg   162 kB 6611 2010-01-04 12:08
RWTH_Aa_100408.pdf   7882 kB 10314 2010-04-08 10:37
Presseartikel_Juelicher_Nachrichten.jpg News Article 1690 kB 7646 2010-05-02 09:45
keepInTouch492010.tiff   1540 kB 6777 2010-06-29 10:29
MadgetsGrenzEcho.jpg 100814 Madgets in Grenz-Echo 381 kB 7133 2010-08-14 23:27
TrendsInformatik_SS11_110418.pdf Campushunter SS11 Benddesk 944 kB 7547 2011-04-18 19:28
TrendsInformatik_ws2010.pdf   805 kB 6442 2011-04-19 16:39
Focus 23_11 3DDrucker.pdf   688 kB 9002 2011-06-10 10:58
AN 21_07_2011 Andreas Gabbert.pdf   19 kB 6983 2011-07-25 18:22
ANTalive2011.pdf our Arduino workshop presentation 18946 kB 8504 2011-07-25 18:54
AntenneAC_Nachrichten.mp3 AntenneAC iTunesU 3063 kB 8041 2011-10-13 13:37
TrendsInformatik_CHWS2011.pdf Trends in der Informatik 7970 kB 7301 2012-01-13 14:33
DrIsenburg3DDruckenMMMaschinemarkt.pdf   326 kB 17246 2013-06-18 12:52
Alles aus dem Drucker 3SAT Tuesday August 20 2013 .mov Alles aus dem Drucker 3SAT Tuesday, August 20, 2013 1 kB 4131 2013-08-23 13:38
Karrierefhrer1.pdf   13495 kB 5005 2014-06-12 15:55
Karrierefhrer Magazin.pdf   27470 kB 6111 2014-06-12 16:11
140825 WDR Lokalzeit Aachen 3DDruck.mp4   31961 kB 4839 2015-03-17 19:05
eco_audiomagazin_2016_02.mp3.webarchive Podcast 0 kB 2855 2016-02-29 09:29
170613 WDR Lokalzeit Aachen HighTech laesst Blinde wieder sehen.mp4 WDR Bericht über Haptivest 2.0 (alias OpenVNAVI). 45351 kB 5884 2017-06-14 15:00
Laser2017.jpg   1923 kB 2236 2017-08-31 22:07
180326 Virtual Conductor in Eurowings Magazine No. 44 MarchApril 2018.pdf   1117 kB 3432 2018-03-26 13:26
180515 SchngcheScan in den Aachener Nachrichten.pdf   305 kB 2447 2018-05-15 15:19
170509 FLApp in der AZ.pdf   145 kB 2542 2018-05-15 16:12
FLAppAZVideo.m4v   34877 kB 2755 2018-05-15 16:57
WDR_lokalzeit_ele_roadshow.mp4 WDR Aachen Lokalzeit 7335 kB 2141 2018-11-20 15:05
WDR_lokalzeit_ele_roadshow.mp4 WDR Lokalzeit Report 7335 kB 1260 2018-11-23 10:00
Tastbare Lehrmaterialien Unterricht im 3DDruck findet gro?es Interesse.pdf   2623 kB 1138 2018-12-21 00:24
Tastbare Lehrmaterialien Unterricht im 3DDruck findet gro?es Interesse.pdf   2623 kB 1146 2018-12-21 00:31

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