Game Dynamics on the Web

Course Information:


During this year's Media Computing Project in Bonn, you will build interactive web applications that employ game dynamics. These applications do not necessarily have to be games. E.g., Seeing Theory is a great use of game dynamics that is educational. Check out these examples to get a feel for what you will be doing during the Lab: Tonite Dance via threejs, ChipMunk2D Physics, and Collision Detection via d3js.


You will work in groups to build interactive web applications. You will get weekly feedback from Krishna about your project.

Note: You need to use web technologies to complete the project. Prerequisite knowledge of web technologies (HTML/CSS, JavaScript, etc.) are important, but not mandatory. In the first few weeks of the lab, Krishna will teach you some basics about web technologies. During this time, there will be mini-assignments every week.

What You Will Learn

After the course, you will gain knowledge on designing and implementing interactive web applications. This is a valuable skill in industry and research.

Preferred Student Background

DIS 1 (Designing Interactive Systems 1), which we offer in the winter semesters, is a prerequisite for the course. Your project will be evaluated based on usability heuristics that were presented in DIS 1. Good programming skills is also recommended.

Course Materials

All the course materials can be accessed via an L2P course room, which will be activated soon.



Administrative Details

Language: The course will be held in English and all submissions are expected to be in English
Tutors: Krishna Credits: 10 ECTS. If you are taking this course for 7 ECTS credits, drop Krishna an email.
Grading policy: Once the project phase has started, resignation from the course will result in a grade of 5.0.

Past Semesters

MCP WS 2017 — Augmented Reality Wizard Duel
MCP SS 2017 — InfoViz
MCP WS 2016 — Personal Photonics - Using Light to Enhance your Life
MCP SS 2016 — Let's Make a Difference! (Designing Apps to Help Refugees & Refugee Workers)
MCP WS 2015 — Tangible Tabletop Tower Defence
MCP SS 2015 — Productivity Apps
MCP WS 2014 — Digital Fabrication
MCP SS 2014 -- L2P Apps
MCP WS 2013 — Digital Fabrication
MCP SS 2013 (Bonn) — Mobile Gaming
MCP WS 2012 — Interactive Assembly
MCP SS 2012 (only available from within the RWTH-net, use VPN)
MCP WS 2011 MCP SS 2011 MCP WS 2010 MCP SS 2009 MCP SS 2008 MCP SS 2007 MCP SS 2006