Media Computing Project lab (in Bonn): Let's Make a Difference!

Course information:


The theme for this year's project is: 'Let's Make a Difference!'. Specifically, the lab will aim at improving the lives of those who are affected by the refugee crisis – social workers, administrators, the general public, and, of course, the refugees themselves.

What You Will Do

During the course of MCP SS 2016 in Bonn, students will identify critical problems in the given domain (e.g., by visiting refugee camps), brainstorm different ideas to solve the problem(s), and build a working deployable system using the user-centered development process taught in Designing Interactive Systems I.

Note: Students can use ANY technology to actualize their ideas – desktop application (Mac OS X, Windows, etc.), mobile application (iOS, Android, etc.), web application (JavaScript/HTML, PHP, etc.), electronic prototyping devices (Arduino, Raspberry Pi, etc.), and so on. The lab will focus on the design approach – finding the right problem, understanding the process needed to come up with a robust solution, finding the appropriate technology to use, and evaluating the prototypes/end product with users.

What You Will Learn

After the course, you will understand the user-centered design cycle, prototyping, and evaluation techniques. As mentioned earlier, there will be an emphasis on the process of finding the problem and then the solution.

Note: We will be able to provide you with some hardware that you need for the lab (e.g., iPhones, Arduino boards, etc.). You will also be able to use our Mac-lab in B-IT to develop your applications.

Preferred Student Background

DIS 1 (Designing Interactive Systems 1), which we offer in the winter semesters, is a prerequisite for the course. Your project will be evaluated based on usability heuristics that were presented in DIS 1.

Hint: Please mention your background and a link to your portfolio in the free text field in your application for the lab. Also include any technologies (see above under 'What You Will Do') that you are familiar with and your level of proficiency (beginner, intermediate, expert). Providing these information will increase your chance of being selected.

Course Materials

All course material can be accessed via the L2P courseroom.


Note: The schedule for the lab will be added soon.

Week From date To date Lab topic (on 'From date') Tasks for the week
1 14.04. 21.04. Kick-off meeting: Introduction to the lab, refugee crisis, and brainstorming Read up on refugee crisis and come up with ideas
2 21.04. 28.04. Evaluating ideas, Five-Why technique Refine ideas
3 28.04. 05.05. Design Sprint Start with low-fidelity prototype
4 05.05. 12.05.
No Lab: Ascension of Christ
Continue design & development
5 12.05. 19.05. Students report their progress Continue design & development
6 19.05. 26.05.
No Lab: Excursion Week
Continue design & development
7 26.05. 02.06.
No Lab: Corpus Christi
Continue design & development
8 02.06. 09.06. Students report their progress Continue design & development
9 09.06. 16.06. Students report their progress Continue design & development
10 16.06. 23.06. Students report their progress Continue design & development
11 23.06. 30.06. Students report their progress Continue design & development
12 30.06. 07.07. Students report their progress Continue design & development
13 07.07. 14.07. Students report their progress Continue design & development
14 14.07. 21.07. Students report their progress Continue design & development
15 21.07. -
Final Presentation

Administrative Details

Language: The course will be held in English and all submissions are expected to be in English
Tutors: Krishna Subramanian Credits: 10 ECTS.
General information: The course description is in the MCP landing page Grading policy: Once the project phase has started, resignation from the course will result in a grade of 5.0.

Past Semesters

MCP WS 2015 — Tangible Tabletop Tower Defence
MCP SS 2015 — Productivity Apps
MCP WS 2014 — Digital Fabrication
MCP SS 2014 -- L2P Apps
MCP WS 2013 — Digital Fabrication
MCP SS 2013 (Bonn) — Mobile Gaming
MCP WS 2012 — Interactive Assembly
MCP SS 2012 (only available from within the RWTH-net, use VPN)
MCP WS 2011 MCP SS 2011 MCP WS 2010 MCP SS 2009 MCP SS 2008 MCP SS 2007 MCP SS 2006