Nur Hamdan's Activities 2013-2019






  • 03.11.15 Published an XRDS blog "Why “Celebrate Women in Computing”?".
  • 01.11.15–23.08.17 Became an editor at XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students (contributions and blog posts).
  • 20.10.15–09.02.16 Coordinated and tutored the MSc course iPhone WS1516 (6 ECTS, SWS: V3 + Ü2).
  • 12.10.15–13.10.15 Attended the CDS course "Leaders Don't Fall Out of the sky. A Review of Your Leadership Competence" by Astrid Müller (16 hours).
  • 24.09.15–26.09.15 Received a travel grant to attend the womENcourage 2015 conference in Uppsala. My team's project won first place at the Codess Hackathon by Intel & Microsoft. Attended the workshop "Prototyping Wearable Electronics" by Teodora Szasz (3 hours).
  • 24.06.15 Invited to talk at the MSc course DIS2 SS15 (6 ECTS): "Mobile Window Systems (iOS, Android)" .
  • 14.04.15–16.07.15 Coordinated and tutored the MSc course CTHCI SS15 (6 ECTS, SWS: V3 + Ü2). 
  • 2015–30.06.16 Started to work on the Intuitex project funded by the BMBF.
  • 10.03.15–09.08.15 Went on parental leave (50%, only doing CTHCI SS15).


  • 29.09.14–09.03.15 Went on parental leave (100%).
  • 25.06.14 Invited to talk at the MSc course DIS2 SS14 (6 ECTS): "Mobile Window Systems (iOS, Android)".
  • 20.05.14 Invited to talk at the MSc course CTHCI SS14 (6 ECTS, SWS: V3 + Ü2): "HCI Research in Augmented Reality".
  • 26.04.14–01.05.14 Presented a poster at CHI 2014 in Toronto. Worked as a Student Volunteer. Attended the course "Sampling & Synthesis: The Two Sides of Experience Sketching" by Bill Buxton (1:40 hours). Participated in CHI Bingo (my bingo).
  • 08.04.14–15.07.14 Coordinated and tutored the MSc lab MCP SS14 in Bonn (10 ECTS).
  • 06.03.14–01.05.14 Mentored one group in the MSc seminar PDUI SS14 (4 ECTS).
  • 28.02.14–01.03.14 Attended the womENcourage 2014 conference in Manchester.
  • 20.02.14–21.02.14 Attended the CDS course "Introductory Workshop to Intercultural Communication" by Alexia Petersen (18 hours).
  • 2014 Received the Springorum-Denkmünze award which is given to the top 10% theses from each faculty at RWTH Aachen University.


  • 24.10.13–28.10.13 Attended the workshop "Elevator Talk" by Carolyn Gale (21 hours).
  • 16.10.13–11.02.14 Coordinated and tutored the BSc/MSc course DIS1 WS1314 in Aachen and Bonn (6 ECTS, SWS: V3 + Ü2).
  • 16.05.13–11.07.13 Mentored one group in the MSc seminar PDUI SS13 (4 ECTS).
  • 27.04.13–02.05.13 Presented a poster at CHI 2013 in Paris. Attended the course "Designing a Task-Focused Conceptual Model" by Jeff Johnson (2:40 hours) and my 1st CHI Women's Breakfast.
  • 10.04.13–17.07.13 Coordinated and tutored the MSc lab MCP SS13 in Bonn (10 ECTS).
  • 02.04.13 Hired as a Research and Teaching Assistant in the Media Computing Group at RWTH Aachen University.
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futurelab-gala-18_007.jpg   323 kB 1016 2019-07-08 23:17
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