Current Topics in Media Computing and Human–Computer Interaction


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This class covers basic research methods and current research trends in Human–Computer Interaction. We use a mix of recent book chapters and papers from conferences and journals of the last few years to give you an idea of how HCI research is conducted, and of the hot topics that are being worked on in the international research community. Examples from past years include interactive surfaces, tangible user interfaces, human computation, gestural input, interactive textiles, augmented reality, and personal fabrication.

The class explains the differences between empirical, ethnographic and systems research in HCI, and how to quickly retrieve and evaluate information from existing literature, a skill you will need for your Master's thesis and future research work in HCI.

The class consists of weekly labs, studios, group assignments, reading assignments, a group project, and graded written midterm and final examinations.

The first part of this class is taught in a flipped classroom style in which you will be able to watch online videos of individual topics at your own pace. The studios will be for reviewing the learned concepts, hands-on exercises, Q&A, and for introducing new assignments. The labs will be for assignment discussions and one-on-one feedback. In the second part of this class, the studios are dedicated for presenting new topics in HCI, and the labs are for project work and face-to-face discussions.


  • 16.05.18: Midterm exam is now on 05.06.18 at 10:15 - 11:45 in Room 2222, Ahornstr. 55
  • 10.04.18: The first studio is on Tuesday 17.04.18 at 10:15h – 11:45h in Room 2222 (Informatikzentrum, Ahornstr. 55).
  • 22.03.18: No studio on 24.04.2018 and no lab on 25.04.2018.



For any questions about the class, contact Nur Hamdan.


Course Allocation and Registration Guide

Number of SWS: V3+Ü2 (Aachen)
ECTS Credits: 6
Course language: English for all lectures, assignments, and exams

To get a seat in this course, follow these steps before 19.04.:

  • Register for the course in Campus. Only 30 seats are available for this course. Priorirty to Master students of Computer Science, Media Informatics, Software Systems Engineering, and Technical Communication. Registration results announcement on 19.04.
  • Erasmus students can register during the first lab or studio.
  • Sign the Declaration of Compliance and hand it in during the first lab or studio.
  • Make sure that you have access to L2P.


Course Dates and Locations

Studio Tue 10:15h – 11:45h Room 2222, Ahornstr. 55 First studio on 17.04.18
Lab Wed 14:15h – 15:45h Room 2222, Ahornstr. 55 First lab on 18.04.18
Midterm 05.06.18 10:15 - 11:45 Room 2222, Ahornstr. 55
Final (1st Chance) Tue. 31.07.2018 14:00h – 15:00h Room Aula 2, Ahornstr. 55
Final and Midterm (2nd Chance) Thur. 16.08.2018 10:00h – 11:00h Room AH I, Ahornstr. 55


Course Load

Assignments and Project
25 %
30 %
45 %




The class schedule is tentative and subject to change. Slides are available on L2P. Assignments can be downloaded and handed-in only via the L2P classroom.




Previous Offerings

SS 2017 - SS 2016 - SS 2015 - SS 2014 - SS 2013 - SS 2011 - SS 2010 - SS 2009 - SS 2008 - SS 2007 - SS 2006 - WS 2004/2005