Course information:

  • Course dates (10 weeks): 20.04., 27.04., 04.05., 11.05., 18.05., 22.06., 29.06., 06.07., 13.07., 20.07., 27.07.
  • Course time & location:14:15 - 15:45 , room 2222 (i10 Seminar room)
  • Date for the kick-off meeting: 02.03.17, 14:15 - 15:45 , room 2222 (i10 Seminar room)


Required reading (before kick-off meeting):

Writing for Computer Science by Justin Zobel (available at RWTH library & Informatik library)

  • Chapter 10: Doing Research
  • Chapter 9: Writing Up

"How to Read an Engineering Research Paper"


Online Learning Room

To be announced.



This seminar deals with topics in HCI that go beyond the desktop. In groups of two-three, you will work on one of the topics listed below. The topics will be assigned in the kick-off meeting. We provide two starting papers for each topic.

Deformable Mobile devices Simon Voelker
Pressure Augments Touch Christian Corsten
Tangibles on Interactive Surfaces Christian Cherek
Interactions in Augmented Reality Philipp Wacker
Augmented Reality in the Maker Economy Henric Stoenner
Gamification in the context of Personal Fabrication Paulina Reijsmeijer
Support for Sensemaking in InfoViz Krishna
Shape-changing textiles Nur Hamdan
HCI for people with dyslexia Simon Voelker
Gaze + Touch Simon Voelker
Skin—The Next User Interface Simon Voelker




1. Deformable Mobile devices


  • Raf Ramakers, Johannes Schöning, and Kris Luyten. 2014. Paddle: highly deformable mobile devices with physical controls. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '14). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2569-2578. DOI: Link
  • Johan Kildal, Andrés Lucero, and Marion Boberg. 2013. Twisting touch: combining deformation and touch as input within the same interaction cycle on handheld devices. In Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Human-computer interaction with mobile devices and services (MobileHCI '13). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 237-246. DOI: Link


2. Pressure Augments Touch

  • Daniel Spelmezan, Caroline Appert, Olivier Chapuis, and Emmanuel Pietriga. 2013. Side Pressure for Bidirectional Navigation on Small Devices. In Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Human-computer interaction with mobile devices and services (MobileHCI '13). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 11-20. DOI: Link
  • Ross McLachlan, Daniel Boland, and Stephen Brewster. 2014. Transient and Transitional States: Pressure as an Auxiliary Input Modality for Bimanual Interaction. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '14). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 401-410. DOI: Link


3. Tangibles on Interactive Surfaces


  • Rong-Hao Liang, Han-Chih Kuo, Liwei Chan, De-Nian Yang, and Bing-Yu Chen. 2014. GaussStones: shielded magnetic tangibles for multi-token interactions on portable displays. In Proceedings of the 27th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology (UIST '14). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 365-372. DOI=10.1145/2642918.2647384 Link
  • Sergi Jordà, Günter Geiger, Marcos Alonso, and Martin Kaltenbrunner. 2007. The reacTable: exploring the synergy between live music performance and tabletop tangible interfaces. In Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Tangible and embedded interaction (TEI '07). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 139-146. DOI= 10.1145/1226969.1226998 Link
  • Simon Voelker, Christian Cherek, Jan Thar, Thorsten Karrer, Christian Thoresen, Kjell Ivar Øvergård, and Jan Borchers. 2015. PERCs: Persistently Trackable Tangibles on Capacitive Multi-Touch Displays. In Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software & Technology (UIST '15). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 351-356. DOI=10.1145/2807442.2807466 Link


4. Interactions in Augmented Reality

  • Benjamin Nuernberger, Eyal Ofek, Hrvoje Benko, and Andrew D. Wilson. 2016. SnapToReality: Aligning Augmented Reality to the Real World. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '16). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1233-1244. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/2858036.2858250 Link
  • Jens Müller, Roman Rädle, and Harald Reiterer. 2016. Virtual Objects as Spatial Cues in Collaborative Mixed Reality Environments: How They Shape Communication Behavior and User Task Load. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '16). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1245-1249. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/2858036.2858043 Link


5. Augmented Reality in the fablab

  • Christian Weichel. 2016. Mixed physical and virtual design environments for digital fabrication. PhD thesis. http://eprints.lancs.ac.uk/id/eprint/77782 Link
  • Nathaniel Hudson. 2016. Understanding and Supporting Newcomers to 3D Modelling and Digital Fabrication. UWSpace. http://hdl.handle.net/10012/10768 Link


6.Gamification in the context of Personal Fabrication

  • Steffen Hofferbert, Michael Cahalane, and Patrick Finnegan. 2015. Gamification as an Architecture of Participation: An Investigation of an Innovation Maker Community. ECIS 2015 Research-in-Progress Papers: 1–10. Link
  • Lindy Orwin, Alexander A. Kist, Andrew D. Maxwell, and Ananda Maiti. 2015. Using Gamification to Create Opportunities for Engagement, Collaboration and Communication in a Peer-to-Peer Environment for Making and Using Remote Access Labs. In 2015 3rd Experiment International Conference (exp.at’15), IEEE, 230–36. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/EXPAT.2015.7463271 Link.
  • Colin Nickels. 2016. Makerspaces, Training, and Engagement: Using Digital Games Both to Encourage Engagement in University Makerspaces and as a Framework to Drive Student Learning. (June): 13. Link.


7. Support for Sensemaking in InfoViz

  • Yedendra Babu Shrinivasan and Jarke J. van Wijk. 2008. Supporting the Analytical Reasoning Process in Information Visualization. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '08). ACM, New York, NY USA, 1237-1246. DOI: Link.
  • William Wright, David Schroh, Pascale Proulx, Alex Skaburskis, and Brian Cort. 2006. The Sandbox for Analysis: Concepts and Methods. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '06). ACM, New York, NY USA, 801-810. DOI: Link.


8. Shape-Changing Textiles

  • Majken K. Rasmussen, Esben W. Pedersen, Marianne G. Petersen, and Kasper Hornbæk. 2012. Shape-changing interfaces: a review of the design space and open research questions. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '12). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 735-744. DOI: Link.
  • Bianchi, M. 2016. A Fabric-Based Approach for Wearable Haptics. Electronics, 5(3), 44. DOI: Link.


9. HCI for people with dyslexia

  • Luz Rello, Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Stefan Bott, and Horacio Saggion. 2013. Simplify or help?: text simplification strategies for people with dyslexia. In Proceedings of the 10th International Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web Accessibility (W4A '13). ACM, New York, NY, USA, , Article 15 , 10 pages. DOI: Link.
  • Luz Rello, Gaurang Kanvinde, and Ricardo Baeza-Yates. 2012. Layout guidelines for web text and a web service to improve accessibility for dyslexics. In Proceedings of the International Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web Accessibility (W4A '12). ACM, New York, NY, USA, , Article 36 , 9 pages. DOI: Link.


10. Gaze + Touch

  • Ken Pfeuffer, Jason Alexander, Ming Ki Chong, Yanxia Zhang, and Hans Gellersen. 2015. Gaze-Shifting: Direct-Indirect Input with Pen and Touch Modulated by Gaze. In Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software & Technology (UIST '15). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 373-383. DOI: Link
  • Ken Pfeuffer, Jason Alexander, and Hans Gellersen. 2016. GazeArchers: playing with individual and shared attention in a two-player look&shoot tabletop game. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM '16). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 213-216. DOI: Link


11. Skin—The Next User Interface

  • Jürgen Steimle, Skin – The Next User Interface, In IEEE Computer, 49(4), April 2016, p. 83-87, IEEE Press, 2016 IEEE Link
  • Hsin-Liu (Cindy) Kao, Christian Holz, Asta Roseway, Andres Calvo, and Chris Schmandt. 2016. DuoSkin: rapidly prototyping on-skin user interfaces using skin-friendly materials. In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC '16). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 16-23. DOI: Link



Literature Review
Report Outline
Report Draft
Camera-ready Slides
Final Report*
1 Support for Sensemaking in InfoViz Gerasimov & Huseynov Krishna 09.03. 16.03. 06.04. 13.04. 20.04. 04.05.
2 Pressure Augments Touch Kirchhof & Nolte Christian Corsten 16.03. 23.03. 13.04. 20.04. 27.04. 11.05.
3 Deformable Mobile devices Orth & Heinze Simon 23.03. 30.03. 20.04 27.04. 04.05. 18.05.
4 Interactions in Augmented Reality Reinhard & Huppertz Philipp 30.03. 06.04. 27.04. 04.05. 11.05. 25.05.
5 Gamification in the context of Personal Fabrication Vasiljevic & Arends Paulina 06.04. 13.04. 04.05. 11.05. 18.05. 01.06.
6 HCI for people with dyslexia Hueber & Kreutz Simon 11.05. 18.05. 08.06. 15.06. 22.06. 06.07.
7 Gaze + Touch Nowak & Mokhtarian Simon 18.05. 25.05. 15.06. 22.06. 29.06. 13.07.
8 Skin—The Next User Interface Garcia Olivares & Minguez Simon 25.05. 01.06. 22.06. 29.06. 06.07. 20.07.
9 Tangibles on Interactive Surfaces Bruna & Arkadi Christian Cherek 01.06. 08.06. 29.06. 06.07 13.07. 27.07.
10 Shape-changing textiles Liehner & Chau Nur 08.06. 14.06. 06.07. 13.07. 20.07. 03.08.
11 Augmented Reality in the Maker Economy   Hendrik 14.06. 22.06. 13.07. 20.07. 27.07. 10.08.

* There is no meeting for the final report.