Face of Sarah Theres Völkel

Sarah Theres Völkel

Bachelor Thesis Student

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Master Thesis Technical Communication (In progress)

Project: Can Tangibles perform magic? Learners’ requirements for successful performance in computer science using haptical interfaces
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Martina Ziefle, Dr. Wiktoria Wilkowska, Chair of Communication Science and Christian Cherek, M.Sc.

Bachelor Thesis Computer Science (08/2014)

Project: Evaluating the role of interactive statistics system for learning
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Chat Wacharamanotham, Prof. Dr. Jan Borchers, and Prof. Dr. Ulrik Schroeder, The Learning Technologies Research Group
Project Page: Statsplorer Project Page

Bachelor Thesis Technical Communication (07/2013)

Project: Usability of the multimedia guide Aixplorer: an empirical user study in Aachen's Town Hall
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Martina Ziefle, Chair of Communication Science and Gero Herkenrath



  • Chat Wacharamanotham, Krishna Subramanian, Sarah Theres Völkel and Jan Borchers. Statsplorer: Guiding Novices in Statistical Analysis.  In CHI '15: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pages 2693–2702,New York, NY, USA, April 2015.
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  • 2014

  • Sarah Theres Völkel. Evaluating the Impact of an Interactive Statistical Analysis System on Learning Statistics. Bachelor's Thesis, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, August 2014.
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