Gero completed his PhD on designing location-based games at the Media Computing Group under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Jan Borchers in 2016. To find out what he did next, check out our alumni page.
Research Projects
- Route Charlemagne
- Aixplorer (internal sites) see also my blog on this!
- GroupAixplorer
- iCatch
- Design Patterns for location-based games: Thesis (in progress) by my student Christoph Will
- Geo-sociograms
- WS 2008/2009: Designing Interactive Systems
- SS 2009: Proseminar: Mensch-Maschine Interaktion
- WS 2009/2010: Designing Interactive Systems
- WS 2010/2011: Designing Interactive Systems
- SS 2011: BSc-Lab: Multimodal Media Madness
- WS 2011/2012: MSc-Lab: The Media Computing Project, see also iCatch for the result
Research Interests
I am currently most interested in the following aspects of mobile guides (see Aixplorer):
- Merging indoor and outdoor tracking
- Enhancing the social activity, i.e. support the group experience through the guide system (technically and conceptually).
- Locative gaming

I hope to be able to investigate these matters in detail once the AIXplorer platform is technically at a stage that allows quickly implementing relevant prototypes and run experiments on a large scale with real users.
Other than that I hope to get my hands on a prototyping kit for flexible displays (or a means to disassemble one to build it into a custom device) to further research into bendable device interaction.

Internal Links
- Gero Herkenrath. Designing Location-Based Games. PhD Thesis, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, April 2016.
- Gero Herkenrath, Carl Huch, Florian Heller and Jan Borchers. Geo-Sociograms: A Method to Analyze Movement Patterns and Characterize Tasks in Location-Based Multiplayer Games. In CHI '14: Extended Abstracts of the 2014 ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems,April 2014.
- Malte Weiss, Gero Herkenrath and Lucas Braun. Text Entry on Interactive Tabletops Using Transparent Physical Keyboards. In CHI 2012 Workshop on Designing and Evaluating Text Entry Methods,May 2012.
- Martin Wermers, Gero Herkenrath and Jan Borchers. GroupAixplorer: An Interactive Mobile Guide for Small Groups. In CHI '11: Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM Press, New York, NY, USA, 2011.
- Gero Herkenrath. Deformable User Interfaces - An Explorative Study of Malleable Input Devices in Mobile Applications. Master's Thesis, RWTH Aachen University,May 2008.
- Gero Herkenrath, Thorsten Karrer and Jan Borchers. TWEND: Twisting and Bending as new Interaction Gesture in Mobile Devices. In Extended Abstracts of CHI 2008 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM Press, Florence, Italy, April 2008.
- Stefan Hafeneger, Malte Weiss, Gero Herkenrath and Jan Borchers. PocketTable: Mobile Devices as Multi-Touch Controllers for Tabletop Application Development. In Extended Abstracts of Tabletop '08, pages 39–40,2008.