Face of Marty Pye

Marty Pye

Student Assistant

Room 2220
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I have completed my M.Sc. and will start working for  in Oct, 2015.
For issues regarding the Vicon, please contact Phil Wacker.
If you still want me to do voice overs for your CHI videos, feel free to send me an email ;)


Recent and on-going projects

 Vicon DataStream Framework

Simple Vicon Streaming for Your Cocoa Apps - Out of the Box. Visit the Vicon DataStream programming guide for more information


Understanding Finger Input in Near-Surface Space leverages midair space near device, e.g., above keyboards or mouses, as additional input modality.


Master's Thesis

Supervisor: Chat Wacharamanotham
Full text: Designing Interactive Bayesian Statistical Analysis
Null Hypothesis Significance Testing (NHST) is the established method for data analysis in HCI, yet p-values, the main results of NHST, are widely misinterpreted as posterior probability. This leads to many research papers with issues that un- dermine the value or validity of the statistical testing. Bayesian analysis is an al- ternative to NHST that provides posterior probability in the results, which is more intuitive to interpret. However, performing a Bayesian analysis comprises complex subtasks, such as the setup of a prior probability, the creation of hierarchical mod- els and assessing simulation quality. These subtasks can be overwhelming for the majority of scientists who are not extensively trained in statistics. Previous work shows that presenting NHST subtasks with a graphical user interface improves un- derstanding. In this thesis, we developed an interaction design which helps guide the user through the process of a Bayesian analysis, and implemented a modular framework for a web-based application. Finally, we performed a qualitative evalu- ation of our software using the think-aloud method.

Bachelor Thesis

Supervisor: Chat Wacharamanotham
Full text: Bimanual Rotation in Midair Combining Multiple and Single Degree of Freedom Manipulation
2D input devices, such as mice, lack a direct mapping between the virtual and real world. 3D interaction techniques, such as hand-tracking in midair, alleviate this limitation by mapping object manipulation to real world tasks with the aid of metaphors. The benefits and limitations of existing metaphors, such as the sheet- of-paper and handle bar metaphor are discussed, upon which a new interaction design BASH is proposed. The compliance of BASH with various guidelines for asymmetric bimanual gesture design is discussed. A detailed mathematical model for each feature in BASH is provided with consideration of possible interferences between individual actions.
The advantages of providing constrained rotation are outlined in a quantitative study, which was conducted with a prototype containing the elements relevant to rotation. The results indicate that fixed rotation is faster and more accurate for 1DOF tasks and independent of the users’ mental rotation ability. This is evidence which supports the design choice of a quasi-mode for fixed rotation.

Student Assistant

Supervisor: Chat Wacharamanotham
During my Bachelor Thesis, I developed a prototype for bimanual interaction in midair, specifically the grabbing and rotating of virtual objects. My current work as a student assistant is to extend this prototype to more manipulation and multiple objects. This will provide us with more possibilities to investigate how users behave in such virtual environments, and hopefully let us extract certain design rules for these kinds of interaction.

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Competences and Skills


  • C, Objective-C, Java.
  • A good understanding of interface design.
  • Basic understanding of statistical data analysis.
  • Fluent in German, English and French (spoken and written)

Feel free to ask me about any of the above, and what I might lack in knowledge, I make up for in keen interest in solving mathematical/scientific problems.

I also worked a lot with the Vicon motion tracking system, so if you are considering using that system, please go ahead and ask me.



  • Marty Pye. Designing Interactive Bayesian Statistical Analysis. Master's Thesis, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, September 2015.
    PDF DocumentBibTeX Entry
  • 2014

  • Chat Wacharamanotham, Kashyap Todi, Marty Pye and Jan Borchers. Understanding Finger Input Above Desktop Devices.  In CHI '14: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pages 1083–1092,New York, NY, USA, April 2014.
    MoviePDF DocumentBibTeX Entry
  • 2012

  • Marty Pye. Bimanual Rotation in Midair Combining Multiple and Single Degree of Freedom Manipulation. Bachelor's Thesis, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, September 2012.
    PDF DocumentBibTeX Entry

File Description File size Downloads Last modified
Marty_Pye_Thesis.pdf   21963 kB 2712 2012-09-27 13:25
Examiner.png   24 kB 2316 2014-04-10 12:49
pye2015.pdf   12810 kB 1963 2015-09-23 14:13

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