FabScan: The 100-Euro 3D Laser Scanner
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It started out as a Bachelor's thesis by Francis Engelmann, supervised by René Bohne.
FabScan was featured on Thingiverse, it's popular on GitHub, and we have a small but steadily growing mailing list on Google Groups.
The new FabScan Pi works as a standalone device controlled with a web browser. We highly recommend to use this advanced version instead of the original FabScan. Housing, Laser, Arduino and FabScan Shield can be reused, but the additional Raspberry Pi allows a use as a standalone device and the better Raspberry Pi camera aloows a higher resolution. The user interface and scan processing is also far more advanced.Download thesis
You can download the PDF version of the thesis here.Instructions (external links)
Assembly Hardware Assembly - FabScan Shield New model data - FabScan CUBE Scanning (German)Features
- Easy to use: scan 3D objects with a few mouse clicks.
- Export point clouds as PCD and PLY.
- Completely open source DIY project: all parts schematics are available for download.
- Uses a line laser and a turntable for fully automatic 360-degree scans.
