ForcePicker: Space-Efficient Value Input on Force-Sensitive Mobile Touchscreens
(CHI '18 Honorable Mention Award)

This project demonstrates the use of force touch to provide an alternative to today's standard "picker" dialogs on smartphones that are used to select values such as dates and times. With trained users, the ForcePicker outperforms the standard picker, at a fraction of the display footprint.
Contact: Christian Corsten
- Christian Corsten, Simon Voelker, Andreas Link and Jan Borchers. Use the Force Picker, Luke: Space-Efficient Value Input on Force-Sensitive Mobile Touchscreens. In Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI '18, pages 661:1–661:12, ACM, New York, NY, USA, April 2018.