Fab Academy 2018 at Fab Lab Aachen
International Class Website: http://fabacademy.org
Room 2010, Ground FloorAhornstr. 55, 52074 Aachen
Class times:
- Mon 15:00-? Recitations (Invited guest lectures)
- Wed 14:30-15:00 Instructor prep meeting (Instructors only)
- Wed 15:00-18:00 Neil's assignment review and lecture
Weekly Deadlines:
- Tue evening: Upload your official assignment and your "prefetched" assignment for the week
- Wed morning: Local review
- Thu morning: Global review (deadline, no attendance)
Aachen local Fab Academy guru and general contact:
Aachen class members:
- Anke Brocker
- Svetlana Shishkovets
- Matthias Sokolowski