Designing Interactive Systems



  • 27.10.11: The first assignment is available on L2P
  • 26.10.11: The registration for Aachen is finalized. You should have L2P access now. If you haven't, email Chat ASAP.
  • 12.10.11: The first lecture slides are available below. L2P system will be used from the second week after we finalize the registration.
  • 08.08.11: Please bring a signed copy of the Declaration of Compliance to the first lecture or lab session.
  • 08.08.11: Lecture slides, exercises and other downloadable material will be available in the L²P learning rooms: (Aachen) (Bonn)
  • 08.08.11: How to register for this course as a student from BIT: Follow the BIT Registration Guide


Field of study:

  • Informatik (D)/Hauptstudium/Praktische Informatik
  • Media Informatics (M.Sc.)/Multimedia-Benutzung und -Wirkung/in Aachen
  • Software Systems Engineering (M.Sc.)/Areas of Specialization/Media Computing and Interactive Systems

Number SWS: V3 + Ü2
ECTS Credits: 6
This lecture will be held in English. All assignment submissions and exams must be written in English.


This class introduces students to the field of human-computer interaction (HCI) and user interface design. Topics covered include:

  • fundamental characteristics of human cognition, such as reaction time, rules of perception, and memory performance,
  • models of interaction between people and their environment, such as affordances, mappings, and constraints,
  • a brief history of interactive technologies,
  • iterative design, user interface prototyping techniques,
  • user studies and evaluation methods.

The class will be accompanied by a lab in which students conduct experiments and design a series of user interface prototypes to apply the concepts learned. The last half of the lab will be used for a larger coherent project.

After the class, students will know how user interfaces have developed over the past decades, and what constants of human performance need to be considered when designing user interfaces. They will be able to apply a series of prototyping and evaluation methods to design usable, appropriate user interfaces in a user-centered fashion.


Student assistant:




Mon 13:15h - 14:45h Room 5053.2 lab (starting 24.10.11)
Wed 09:30h - 12:00h Room 5053.2 lecture (starting 12.10.11)

Room 5053.2 is opposite to AH VI on ground floor of E2 building


Tue 14:00h - 16:30h Main Lecture Hall, B-IT Center Bonn lecture
Thu 15:15h - 16:45h Main lecture Hall, B-IT Center Bonn lab

NOTE: Since we give all 3 SWS at once we added 15 minutes pause to the lecture time slots.


Please, register for this course within October 24, 18:00. The registration result will be announced on October 25, 18:00. We give priority to those who need DIS1 as compulsory course and master students.


If you wish to take the course for credit, you must complete all assignments, lab exercises and exams. You will pass (and receive a certificate) upon successful completion of the course with a grade. The grade will be calculated as follows:

    • 40% - lab exercises, assignments, project
    • 25% - exam part 1
    • 35% - exam part 2

Note that you must achieve a cumulative score above 50% and at least 50% of the points in the exam part 2 to pass the course. If you fail, you have to take entire exam (both parts) again.


Midterm Tue 29 November, 2011 16:30h – 18:00h Aula 2 and 2010
Final Tue 7 February, 2012 14:00 – 16:30 AH III and 2010


Midterm Tue 29 November, 2011 16:00h – 17:30h Main Lecture Hall, B-IT Center Bonn
Final Tue 7 February, 2012 14:00 – 16:30 Main Lecture Hall, B-IT Center Bonn

Second chance (both parts): Tuesday 21 February, 2012. 11:00 – 13:30, Room 2010, Informatikzentrum, RWTH Aachen

Final Exam Review Dates:
In Aachen the review is on Wednesday, 15.02.2012 from 13:00 till 15:30 in room 2350 (AH III).
In Bonn the review is on Thursday, 16.02.2012 from 15:15 till 16:45 in Rheinsaal at the B-IT.
You can come and take a look at your work.

Missing the exam

See: Exam decision tree

  • If you cannot attend the exam with valid reasons (medical reason, exam schedule conflicts), you need to inform us before the exam, and submit a scanned copy of the evidence (medical certificate, course registration, boarding passes) within 5 days after the exam.
    • If the reason for missing the exam is valid, you will do your first try of the exam for the parts that you missed on the same date as the second chance exam.
    • If the reason is not valid, you will not get any score from that exam. If your overall score passed the course, you will not have a chance to take the exam again.
  • If you fail the course in the overall score, you will have to take both parts of the exam in the second chance.



You need an average grade of assignments above 4.0 to attend each exam. The same rule applies for the project grade and final exam.

For assignments that are handed in after the due date we will deduct one grading step per 24 hours. Assignments that are handed in after they have been discussed in the lab session will not be graded and automatically receive a 5.0 grade.

During the semester, each student must participate in at least one user test held at our chair or in the Psychology chair. This allows students to better appreciate average users, gain empathy with the test users, practice skill in test facilitator Neilsen ’11. We will announce available user tests throughout the semester.

Code of Conduct

At the media computing group we have no tolerance for cheating and plagiarism. In short, this means that choosing to hand in any exam, assignment, or seminar paper that violates the terms of the Declaration of Compliance results in failing the course and may result in further consequences (Bachelor- / Masterordnung: §10 (4), DPO97: §8 (4)).


It is highly recommended to buy the book of Norman since you have to read it for class. From the Dix et. al. and Schneiderman books you just have to read some chapters. You can find these books in the library.

Lecture video

Video recordings of each lecture will be available on iTunes U for reviewing. A link to iTunes U as well as a link to the RSS feed will be given in L2P. We try to publish the videos within a week after each lecture, but videos are not alternatives to attending the class. Should class attendance fall lower than 50% of the first day of the class, we will stop publishing videos until the class attendance is higher than 50%.

Course resources


Lecture and lab slides & videos

DateTheory TopicsPractice TopicsSlides
12.10.11 S01 Intro, Visibility, Affordances Idea logs, Sketching 1up, 4-up, video
24.10.11 L01 Admin, Affordances   1up, 4up
26.10.11 S02 Mapping, Constraints, Conceptual models User observation 1up, 4up, video
31.10.11 L02 Hands-on Photographic Observation   1up, 4up
02.11.11 S03 Seven Stages of Action, Knowledges, Feedback DIA, Persona, Storyboard 1up, 4up, video
07.11.11 L03 Prototypes and Interview   1up, 4up
09.11.11 S04 Errors, Forcing Functions Prototypes 1up, 4up, video
14.11.11 L04 Video prototyping, A01 Pitfalls   1up, 4up
16.11.11 S05 Gestalt laws Prototyping tools, Ideation 1up, 4up, video
21.11.11 L05 Exam Preparation Ideation and Brainstorming 1up, 4up
23.11.11 S06 Nine Golden Rules, Responsiveness   1up, 4up, video
28.11.11 Exam preparation and Concept Clarification    
30.11.11 S07: Objectified screening + discussion   1up, 4up, video
05.12.11 L07: Persuasive interface, Project coaching 1   1up, 4up
07.12.11 S08: CMN, Perception, Cognition, Motor, Fitts's law Evaluation without users 1up, 4up, video
12.12.11 L08: Gamification, Project coaching 2    
14.12.11 S09: Interface efficiency, KLM, GOMS Evaluation with users (Qualitative) 1up, 4up, video
19.12.11 L08: Midterm exam discussion    
21.12.11 S10 Notations Experimental design 1up, 4up, video
09.01.12 L09: Fitts' law, GOMS, notation exercise   1up, 4up
11.01.12 S11: Notations 2 History of HCI Part 1 1up, 4up, video
16.01.12 10: A03, Emotional design, Project coaching 3   1up, 4up
18.01.12 S12: History Part 2 Vision 1up, 4up, video
23.01.12 L11: A06, Presentation tips, Project coaching 4   1up, 4up
25.01.12 S13: Basic statistics and data visualization Basic Statistics and data visualization 1up, 4up, video
30.01.12 L12: Exam preparation   1up, 4up


  • 1-up slides are designed for viewing on a computer. For printing, use 4-up version which saves both paper and ink.
  • The slides are organized according to Aachen schedule.
  • stats4dis: Landing page for statistics lecture



27.10.11 Assignment Submission Guideline Guideline
27.10.11 A01 Design Critique 03.11.11 A01
03.11.11 A02 User Observation 10.11.11 A02
11.11.11 A03 Prototyping 18.11.11 A03
16.11.11 A04 Project Definition 01.12.11 Project Definition
08.12.11 A06 Term Project   Project Details
12.01.12 A07 Fitts' Law 21.01.12 A07
12.01.12 V01 History Video Assignment 21.01.12 V01

Project example

Here is video of “The Inner Voice”, one of many projects from DIS1 WS 2011/12 under the theme: “You make me want to be a better person: an interactive system that persuades users to change their behavior to improve quality of life.”

The Inner Voice Team: Frederic Speicher, Jan Schnitzler, Daniel Kaulen, Sascha Krott, Philipp Wacker, and Juliana Brell

Past Offerings:

File Description File size Downloads Last modified
DIS 1 Bonn how to register.pdf   642 kB 4297 2010-10-25 12:54
Declaration of compliance.pdf Declaration of Compliance 186 kB 3986 2010-11-02 18:53
S01 Intro Visibility Affordances Idea logs Sketching 1up.pdf 1up 41081 kB 3724 2011-10-12 16:01
S01 Intro Visibility Affordances Idea logs Sketching 4up.pdf 4-up 11479 kB 7728 2011-10-12 16:01
L01 Admin Affordances 1up.pdf 1up 9371 kB 2932 2011-10-25 12:07
L01 Admin Affordances 4up.pdf 4up 2315 kB 3195 2011-10-25 12:07
S02 Mapping Constraints Conceptual models User observation 1up.pdf 1up 43027 kB 3275 2011-10-27 19:00
S02 Mapping Constraints Conceptual models User observation 4up.pdf 4up 12763 kB 5761 2011-10-27 19:00
Assignment Submission Guideline.pdf guideline 312 kB 5247 2011-10-27 19:08
A01 Design Critiques.pdf A01 83 kB 3625 2011-10-27 19:09
Exam rules.png Exam decision tree 78 kB 3670 2011-11-08 18:07
S03 Seven Stages of Action Knowledges Feedback DIA Persona Storyboard 4up 4up 4014 kB 4423 2011-12-18 01:17
S03 Seven Stages of Action Knowledges Feedback DIA Persona Storyboard 1up 1up 42048 kB 2896 2011-12-18 01:25
L02 Handson Photographic Observation 1up.pdf 1up 9332 kB 3282 2011-12-18 01:29
L02 Handson Photographic Observation 4up.pdf 4up 3815 kB 2809 2011-12-18 01:31
L03 Prototypes and Interview 1up.pdf 1up 10434 kB 3259 2011-12-18 01:52
S04 Errors Forcing Functions Prototypes 1up.pdf 1up 43659 kB 3139 2011-12-18 01:54
L03 Prototypes and Interview 4up.pdf 4up 5462 kB 2986 2011-12-18 01:54
S04 Errors Forcing Functions Prototypes 4up.pdf 4up 6382 kB 3845 2011-12-18 01:56
L04 Video prototyping A01 Pitfalls 1up.pdf 1up 7758 kB 3300 2011-12-18 02:03
L04 Video prototyping A01 Pitfalls 4up.pdf 4up 1503 kB 2999 2011-12-18 02:03
S05 Gestalt laws Prototyping tools Ideation 4up.pdf 4up 26495 kB 2748 2011-12-18 02:14
S05 Gestalt laws Prototyping tools Ideation 1up.pdf 1up 62284 kB 3044 2011-12-18 02:18
L05 AC Exam preparation 1up.pdf 1up 21537 kB 2842 2011-12-18 02:22
L05 AC Exam preparation 4up.pdf 4up 12144 kB 3437 2011-12-18 02:23
S06 Nine Golden Rules Responsiveness 1up.pdf 1up 46088 kB 3041 2011-12-19 12:15
S06 Nine Golden Rules Responsiveness 4up.pdf 4up 8792 kB 4979 2011-12-19 12:15
S07 Objectified video discussion 1up.pdf 1up 6023 kB 2968 2011-12-19 12:16
S07 Objectified video discussion 4up.pdf 4up 2864 kB 3790 2011-12-19 12:16
S08 CMN Model Fitts Law Evaluation without User 1up.pdf 1up 40494 kB 2782 2011-12-19 12:17
S08 CMN Model Fitts Law Evaluation without User 4up.pdf 4up 6288 kB 10643 2011-12-19 12:18
S09 Interface Efficiency KLM GOMS Evaluation with users 1up.pdf 1up 42167 kB 3217 2011-12-19 12:21
S09 Interface Efficiency KLM GOMS Evaluation with users 4up.pdf 4up 2588 kB 8346 2011-12-19 12:22
L06 Persuasive Technology 1up.pdf 1up 12171 kB 3023 2011-12-19 12:22
L06 Persuasive Technology 4up.pdf 4up 3589 kB 3665 2011-12-19 12:23
A02 User Observation.pdf A02 487 kB 3613 2011-12-19 16:04
A03 Prototyping.pdf A03 633 kB 3077 2011-12-19 16:05
A04 P01 Project Definition.pdf A04 Part 1 1116 kB 4451 2011-12-19 16:05
A04 P02 Project.pdf A04 Part 2 427 kB 3470 2011-12-19 16:05
S10 Notations Part 1 Controlled Experiments 1up.pdf 1up 35753 kB 3091 2012-01-16 17:38
S10 Notations Part 1 Controlled Experiments 4up.pdf 4up 9160 kB 4292 2012-01-16 17:38
L07 Review GOMS State machine 1up.pdf 1up 4925 kB 3299 2012-01-16 17:39
L07 Review GOMS State machine 4up.pdf 4up 1008 kB 3029 2012-01-16 17:39
S11 Notations Part 2 History Part 1 1up.pdf 1up 56065 kB 3013 2012-01-16 17:40
S11 Notations Part 2 History Part 1 4up.pdf 4up 9478 kB 3357 2012-01-16 17:40
S12 History Part 2 Vision 1up.pdf 1up 36645 kB 3039 2012-02-05 14:04
S12 History Part 2 Vision 4up.pdf 4up 11035 kB 2970 2012-02-05 14:05
S13 Statistics 1up.pdf 1up 31467 kB 2801 2012-02-05 14:05
S13 Statistics 4up.pdf 4up 2698 kB 3258 2012-02-05 14:05
L08 Emotional Design 1up.pdf 1up 15812 kB 2828 2012-02-05 14:06
L08 Emotional Design 4up.pdf 4up 6455 kB 3154 2012-02-05 14:06
L09 Presentation Guide 1up.pdf 1up 10100 kB 2822 2012-02-05 14:06
L09 Presentation Guide 4up.pdf 4up 1523 kB 3192 2012-02-05 14:07
L10 Exam Part 2 preparation 1up.pdf 1up 14217 kB 2994 2012-02-05 14:10
L10 Exam Part 2 preparation 4up.pdf 4up 1770 kB 3843 2012-02-05 14:10
A06 Fittss Law.pdf A06 192 kB 5464 2012-02-05 14:30
V01 History Video Assignment.pdf V01 464 kB 3323 2012-02-05 14:31