Face of Mariana Bocoi

Mariana Bocoi

Master Thesis Student

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Master Thesis

My thesis (PDF) from 2012 is about developing a wearable sensor network called LumiNet2 under the supervision of René Bohne.

I also started documenting my experiments on the Wearable computing at i10 page in the tutorials section. I also helped organizing a workshop for fashion designers Smart Fashion Aachen.

I recently completed a collaboration with ITA to create a jacket with an 8x8 RGB LED display on the back.



During my stay in the FabLab Aachen I learned many things including how to operate the PCB Milling Machine the Lasercutter and the Professional 3D Printer Dimension Elite. I also wrote an extensive tutorial for the Milling machine.

I am interested in all that is related to crafts and I also like tinkering with electronics so I participate at Dorkbot Aachen regularly. Sometimes I bring my wearable projects other times something completely different.



Fun projects:

  • LED on nails
  • Nail QR codes.
  • QR code Stamp
  • Laser cut silk screen stencil for fabrics.
  • Fabric Connectors
  • Greeting cards with Lasercuter
  • Skirt with 8x8 green led matrix
  • Fimo electronics
  • Laser cut origami shapes.
  • Conductive play-dough
  • Resistors earnings



  • Mariana Bocoi. LumiNet 2 - An Organic Interactive Illumination and Sensor Network for Fashion. Diploma Thesis, RWTH Aachen University,May 2012.
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