Knobology Revisited: A Comparison of User Performance between Tangible and Virtual Rotary Knobs

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Abstract__ We present an experimental comparison of tangible rotary knobs and touch-based virtual knobs in three output conditions: eyes-on, eyes-free, and peripheral. Twenty participants completed a simple rotation task on a interactive surface with four different input techniques (two tangibles and two virtual touch widgets) in the three output conditions, representing the distance from the locus of attention. We found that users were in average 20% faster using tangible knobs than using the virtual knobs. We found that tangible knobs retains performance even if they are not in the locus of attention of the users. We provide four recommendations of suit- able choosing knobs based on tasks and design constraints.
If you are interested in Knobology Revisited, please contact Simon Voelker.
- Simon Voelker, Kjell Ivar Øvergård, Chat Wacharamanotham and Jan Borchers. Knobology Revisited: A Comparison of User Performance between Tangible and Virtual Rotary Knobs. In ITS '15: Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, pages 35–38, ACM, New York, NY, USA, November 2015.