Faraz Memon

Email Address: Faraz.Memon (at) rwth-aachen.de

Thesis Topic: iStuff Mobile - Rapidly prototyping novel interaction for mobile phones
The Master thesis involved development of iStuff Mobile. iStuff Mobile is a rapid prototyping platform that helps explore novel interactions with mobile phones. It combines sensor network platforms, mobile phone software, and a proven rapid prototyping framework. Interaction designers can use the framework to quickly create and test novel interactions without making internal hardware modifications to the handset. The technology used is Smart-Its and Nokia Series 60 SDK on Visual Studio.

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( denotes a major peer-reviewed publication).


  • Rafael Ballagas, Faraz Memon, Rene Reiners and Jan Borchers. iStuff Mobile: Rapidly Prototyping New Mobile Phone Interfaces for Ubiquitous Computing.  In CHI '07: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pages 1107–1116, ACM Press, New York, NY, USA, 2007.
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  • 2006

  • Rafael Ballagas, Faraz Memon, Rene Reiners and Jan Borchers. iStuff Mobile: prototyping interactions for mobile phones in interactive spaces.  In Proc. PERMID, Workshop on Pervasive Mobile Interaction Devices at PERVASIVE 2006, LNCS, Dublin, Ireland, 2006.
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ThesisFaraz.pdf Master Thesis 5526 kB 7327 2006-05-18 16:27
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Presentation.pdf   1630 kB 5490 2006-05-19 01:09

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