FabLabCon 2013: The First European Fab Lab Conference

FabLabCon is a conference that is a part of the Makerfaire Kerkrade that takes place right outside Aachen city. One day after the Makerfaire (which was on Sat Sep 7 and Sun Sep 8), we invited researchers, educators and practitioners to present and discuss their ongoing work on Fab Labs and Personal Fabrication.
The conference is sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, within the framework of the Make Light initiative of the funding program Photonics Research Germany.
- There will be a social event on Sunday evening (see below). (Sep 7, 2013)
- Registration has been closed. 80 participants registered for the conference. (Sep 5, 2013)
- 60 participants registered for FabLabCon (Aug 30, 2013)
- Almost 50 participants registered for FabLabCon (Aug 25, 2013)
- Over 30 submissions have been accepted for presentation at FabLabCon (Aug 15, 2013)
- Theo Jansen, known for his Beach Beast creatures, will be speaking at Makerfaire Kerkrade (Aug 8, 2013)
- FabLabCon will be featuring Markus Kayser's Solar Sinter Engine, organized by Karsten Joost, Cultural Management from FabLab Bremen. You can also see it at Makerfaire Kerkrade. (Aug 5, 2013)
The man who prints houses
This trailer gives you an impression of what Enrico Dini presented in his keynote:
Two talks had to be skipped in the end. We are very sorry about this and hope that everybody will have a look at these two talks:
Here you can find the slides of every single talk:
Here you can find the slides from the Welcome round. We printed them and showed them in the hallway:
Make Light! |
Antonia Roth |
Axel Ganz |
David Koper |
Ed Kuipers |
Elmine Wijnia |
Herman Ahrens |
Iain Duncan |
Kris Luyten |
Michael Bennemann |
Rodolfo Baïz |
Stephanie Dalquist |
Tom Hansing |
Ton Zijlstra |
The conference will take place in the Computer Science Building at RWTH Aachen University, Ahornstr. 55, 52074 Aachen. See Directions for travel information by car, bus, train, or plane.
We will meet at the 2nd floor of the main Computer Science Building for registration and coffee. This floor belongs to the Media Computing Group. All talks will be located in the lecture hall AH III on the 3rd floor.
Time | Room | Info |
09:00 | 2nd floor | Registration, Breakfast |
09:20 | Lecture hall AH III | Welcome, Organizational Info |
09:30 | Lecture hall AH III | Welcome Round |
10:00 | Lecture hall AH III | Talks Session 1 |
11:15 | Lecture hall AH III | Keynote: Enrico Dini, D-Shape: 3D-Printing Houses and on the Moon |
12:00 | 2nd floor | Lunch break |
13:00 | Lecture hall AH III | Talks Session 2 |
14:10 | Lecture hall AH III | Keynote Boris Chichkov: 3D Nanotechnology and Laser Printing of Nanoparticles and Living Cells |
14:30 | 2nd floor | Coffee break |
15:00 | Lecture hall AH III | Talks Session 3 |
15:45 | Lecture hall AH III | Podium and open discussion: The Fab Lab community today |
16:00 | 2nd floor | End |
Important Dates
Abstract (max. 500 words) submission deadline: Monday, August 12, 2013
Notification of accepted papers: Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Final version of conference papers due: Monday, September 2, 2013
Final version of conference slides due: Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Conference: Monday, September 9, 2013
We invite researchers from various disciplines (human-computer interaction, user interfaces, computer graphics, geometry modeling, visualization, computational design, fabrication, and rapid prototyping) to submit to our conference.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- DIY Photonics
- Research in Fab Labs
- User interfaces for personal design and personal fabrication
- Documentation and sharing of knowledge / Open Knowledge systems
- Software tools for personal fabrication
- Social impact of Fab Labs
- New materials for personal fabrication
- Education and Fab Labs
- Crowdsourcing for personal design
- DIY Biotech
- DIY science
Call for Papers
Submission Guidelines
If you are working on research related to Personal Fabrication or Fab Labs, please submit a short (max. 500 words) abstract through our online submission system by Monday, August 12, 2013 (5PM CEST).
Registration has been closed. If you are an author and still need to upload files, please contact René.
All submissions will be reviewed by at least two members of the program committee.
Submissions should not contain any proprietary or confidential information at the time of publication. We are interested in academic exchange and community building, so this year submitted papers can be previously published or be under simultaneous review for other conferences, journals, or workshops. Submissions do not need to be anonymized. Authors of abstracts that are accepted for inclusion in the program will be required to provide a full version of their contribution upon acceptance. If your work was previously published, we will check the options for republishing them with you.
If your abstract is accepted, you can upload your full paper to the system until Monday, September 2, 2013 (5PM CEST). We encourage submissions about your research in Fab Labs and Personal Fabrication. We also welcome case studies from practitioners describing their Fab Lab activities, tutorials from Fab Lab educators, project descriptions from students and makers, and exhibit presentations from artists. The key criterion is that the Fab Lab community will be able to gain valuable insights from your work.
Please upload a PDF file for your full paper. We will offer templates on the conference home page. Papers should be 2-10 pages in length.
Accepted papers will be published in the conference supplemental proceedings if at least one of the authors registers for the conference. Registration and attendance will be free of charge thanks to a generous grant from the German government.
Please follow the SIGCHI Conference Proceedings Format layout instructions for your final submission.
Please use one of the following templates for your final submission - please don't change the text in the lower left box of the first page to FabLabCon2013, September 9, 2013, Aachen, Germany:
Talks and Slides
There are two kinds of talks:
- Talks about a paper. Authors need to submit 20 slides. In the talk, each author has 20 seconds per slide. Total time per talk: 6:40 minutes.
- Talks of non-author attendees. Participants who did not submit a paper need to submit 1-3 slides. The slides need to introduce the person and explain why they are at the conference and what they expect from the conference.
The slide's resolution needs to be 1024x768 pixels. We accept Apple Keynote, MS Powerpoint, and PDF files.
Deadline for the slides: September 4, 2013
Registration has been closed.
Prof. Dr. Jan Borchers, RWTH Aachen University & Fab Lab Aachen
Prof. Dr. Peter Troxler, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences & Fab Lab Association
René Bohne, RWTH Aachen University & Fab Lab Aachen -
Frits Hoff, Fab Lab Maastricht, Netherlands
Gène Bertrand, Continium & Makerfaire Kerkrade
Program Committee
René Bohne, RWTH Aachen University & Fab Lab Aachen -
Prof. Dr. Jan Borchers, RWTH Aachen University & Fab Lab Aachen
Frits Hoff, Fab Lab Maastricht, Netherlands
Prof. Dr. Peter Troxler, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences & Fab Lab Association