Technology for the Energy App (Epp)


Project Goal

CO2 emissions from energy consumption are threatening our climate. While there are numerous initiatives to encourage people to save energy at home, the Energy App (Epp) takes energy awareness to the workplace. It lets you reduce your personal and your team's CO2 footprint at work, by analyzing sensor data and providing incentives for change. In its first iteration, the Epp focuses on the biggest contributor to energy consumption at the office: heating.

Our chair conducts research, design, and development to address the technological challenges involved in creating the Epp, to integrate with the wide variety of existing smart home sensors and actuators, and to develop a prototype of the Epp under iOS. We collaborate closely with Prof. Elisabeth Beusker's Teaching and Research Field for Real Estate Development (iPE) in the Department of Architecture at RWTH Aachen University, who initiated the Energy App (Epp) project.

Duration and Funding

This project runs from October 2022 until March 2023 and is funded by the NRW State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitalisation and Energy in their research program.


Principal Investigator

Prof. Dr. Jan

Research Assistant


Student Assistant



For questions about the project, please contact Ricarda Rahm.

Research Assistant
