Stephan Deininghaus
Diploma Thesis Student
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From mid-2009 through early 2010, I worked on my diploma thesis named "An Interactive Surface for Literary Criticism", a cooperation between the Media Computing Group and the Human Technology Centre at RWTH Aachen University. Abstract:
''Professionals in literary studies regularly need to work with large amounts of
complex text. Special forms of editions have been developed to make these texts
accessible to the literary critic. Nowadays, there exist both traditional printed
editions and digital editions for use with standard computers.
In this thesis, we present an examination of the characteristics of these editions,
their users, and the users’ work processes from an HCI perspective. Based on these
findings, we propose a design for a working environment that enables the user to
read, navigate, and personalize printed and digital information on one integrative
interactive surface, benefiting from the respective advantages of both mediums.
This also leads to a promising new way of structuring content in text editions.
Furthermore, we portray the evaluation and refinement of this proposal through
two full design iterations using prototypes — each iteration backed by a qualitative
user study — and outline possible future work.''
My supervisors were Moritz Wittenhagen and Max Möllers.
(Project page)
After my thesis, I continued to help with Interactive Tabletop research as a student assistant at the Brain/Concept/Writing group at HumTec until February 2011.
From April 2011 onwards, I will be doing consultancy work at Avanade, with a focus on development for the Microsoft Surface platform and general UX.
It was fun working with you guys, see you around!
- Stephan
- Max Möllers, Ray Bohnenberger, Stephan Deininghaus, Patrick Zimmer, Karin Herrmann and Jan Borchers. TaPS Widgets: tangible control over private spaces on interactive tabletops. In Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, In CHI EA '11, pages 773–780, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2011.
- Stephan Deininghaus. An Interactive Surface for Literary Criticism. Diploma Thesis, RWTH Aachen University,April 2010.
- Stephan Deininghaus, Max Möllers, Moritz Wittenhagen, Karin Herrmann and Jan Borchers. Hybrid Documents Ease Text Corpus Analysis For Literary Scholars. In Proceedings of ITS 2010,2010.
- Karin Herrmann, Max Möllers, Moritz Wittenhagen and Stephan Deininghaus. Ein interaktiver Multitouch-Tisch als multimediale Arbeitsumgebung. In Digitale Wissenschaft 2010, Hochschulbibliothekszentrum NRW, Cologne, 2010.