CHISV: A Student Volunteer Management System for Conferences
CHISV helps the Student Volunteer (SV) Chairs of conferences manage the SVs' experience by helping with tasks like SV selection and automatic task assignment while ensuring that all SVs are treated equally fairly. For a quick overview of features, see the FAQ. It is used by most HCI-related ACM conferences today, including CHI, UIST, CSCW, DIS, MobileHCI, ISS, TEI, and C&C.
CHISV was originally built in 2004 by Jonathan Diehl, a PhD student of Prof. Jan Borchers here at his Media Computing Group at the time. When we first released it at, nobody would have predicted its remarkable success. We hosted, updated, and maintained that version until 2020. In those sixteen years, CHISV served the community well with
- 87 Conferences
- 12.428 Users
- 479.956 Bids
- 15.751 Tasks
- 29.641 Assignments
In 2020, we replaced the old CHISV with a complete rewrite that we developed together with the student volunteers at CHI 2019 and CHI 2020. It was primarily implemented by Florian Busch in his Master's thesis at our lab, with guidance from our PhD student Christian Cherek. The resulting new CHISV offers all the functionality of the earlier version, but with much better usability, stability, and performance. Also, thanks to the new architecture, CHISV now provides an open API that can be used to easily develop new interactions and bring CHISV to new devices.
CHISV is open source and available on GitHub. The API is OAuth 2.0 compatible but also accessible via simple JWT tokens, as described in our API Documentation. For a look behind the scenes and to learn how the new CHISV was developed in a user-centered process, take a look at Florian's thesis.