Face of Christian Mattar

Christian Mattar

Diploma Thesis Student

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As part of my diploma thesis under David Holman, I want to investigate the behavior of people using a multi-touch table.
I've heavily modified Pingus, an open-source clone of Lemmings, to make it appear similar to a table top game that reacts to gestural input. Multiple users can operate it at the same time.

The thesis is done! See attached file.

Recently, I was at a workshop in Munster where people from many different universities and industry representatives came together to talk about the possibilities of FTIR technology. I've written a short workshop report.




  • Christian Mattar. PinguTouch - Investigating Multi-Touch Technology for Collaborative Casual Gaming. Master's Thesis, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, December 2007.
    PDF DocumentBibTeX Entry

File Description File size Downloads Last modified
PinguTouch Diploma Thesis Mattar.pdf Final version of the thesis 12225 kB 2799 2007-12-22 18:32

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