iOS Application Development (2018/2019)

  Class Information

Lectures Mon, 14:30 - 16:00
  Tus, 10:30 - 12:00
  2222, i10 Seminar room
Language English
Credits 6


Oral Exam Mon, Feb 15th

In this course, you'll learn to develop mobile applications for Apple's iOS devices: iPhone and iPad. 

Apple's designed its mobile iOS operating system and its SDK from scratch. The iOS SDK follows many modern software development patterns, making it an ideal subject to learn how to design such SDKs today. Smartphones and tablets are also very interesting devices from an HCI perspective. The user interface has to deal with multitouch interaction, which presents new challenges to the software architecture, e.g., in event handling. With their rich sets of sensors, iOS devices also allow for input far beyond mouse and keyboard. Finally, both the iPhone and the iPad have simply become "in"-devices since their introduction. Didn't you ever want to show your own app to your friends on your iPhone? 

  • At the end of the course, you will be able to implement full iOS apps
  • You will know Swift: syntax, concepts, and how to use it correctly. Swift can be used to program iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS
  • You will be able to design your apps to look and feel according to Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines
  • Your implementation will follow the recommended design strategies: MVC, delegation, target-action
  • You will be able to use the most important frameworks in Cocoa Touch (UIKit, Foundation, SpriteKit, MapKit, AVFoundation, etc.) and can easily learn more!
  • Your will know how to make your apps interactive: animations, multimedia, graphics, sensors, etc


This course has limited seating. You need to register to obtain a seat in this course.


Dr. Simon



This course is structured in 3 different parts

  1. Lecture (~5 weeks): Here, we will introduce the fundamentals of iOS development (e.g., Swift fundamentals, mobile device development, event handling, ...). Both weekly timeslots are used for the lecture.
  2. Seminar (~4 weeks): Students will prepare and present information about a specific iOS framework (e.g., CoreData, Rendering frameworks, MapKit, ...). Both weekly timeslots are used for student presentations & preparations
  3. Project (~6 weeks): During this part, students will develop a larger application using the knowledge gained in the course. Both weekly timeslots are used for feedback sessions with the individual groups.
  • Lectures

  • Seminar Presentations

    • From Tue, Nov. 20th to Tue, Dec. 4th

  • Project Meetings

    • From Mon, Dec. 10th to Tue, Jan. 22th

  • Project Presentation

    • Tue, Jan. 29th

  • Oral Exams

    • Fri, Feb. 15th


Your grade will be calculated as follows:

Seminar 17%
Project 50%
Oral Exam 33%

Fields of Study

  • Informatik (B.Sc.)/Wahlpflichtbereich Angewandte Informatik
  • Informatik (M.Sc.)/Angewandte Informatik
  • Technik-Kommunikation (M.A.)/2. Hauptfach (Technisches Fach)/Grundlagen der Informatik/isierung Informatik
  • TK 2. Fach-Grundlagen der Informatik (M.Sc.)/Wahlpflicht Informatik/Angewandte Informatik
  • Media Informatics (M.Sc.)/Multimedia Technologie
  • Software Systems Engineering (M.Sc.)/Applied Computer Science
  • Data Science (M.Sc.)/Computer Science and Mathematics/Computer Science

Course Allocation and Registration Guide

Number of SWS: V3+Ü2 (Aachen)
ECTS Credits: 6
Course language: English for all lectures, Seminars, and exams

Register for the course in RWTHOnline. We only have 36 seats are available for this course. Sign the Declaration of Compliance and hand it in during the lecture. Make sure that you have access to Moodle.

Previous Offerings

WS17/18WS15/16 – WS14/15WS13/14WS12/13 – WS11/12 – WS11/12WS09/10