Face of Zhao He

Zhao He

Master's Thesis Student

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Master's Thesis



Projects Assisted

I was a student assistant working with Chat Wacharamanotham on the following projects,




      • Fangtian Ying, Milan Ye, Pengcheng Zhu, Zhao He, Lining Yao and Yan Shi. Run Chicken Run: Physical metaphor augmented wearable movement-based interaction, In UIST 2009 Extended Abstracts, Victoria, BC, Canada, October 2009.
      • Fangtian Ying, Pengcheng Zhu, Milan Ye, Jingchang Chen, Zhao He, Yue Pan. Bubble Journey: Multimodal Input Tools Design to Augment Sense Experience in Computer Game, Advanced Materials Research Vol. 102-104, pp. 326-330, 2010.
      • He Zhao. Inverse Compositional Method, In CVonline: On-Line Compendium of Computer Vision. R. Fisher (ed).
      • He Zhao. Integrating Augmented Sense Experiences Into Interactive Toys. Bachelor's thesis, Zhejiang University, 2009.


      • Zhao He. Fabiji: A Tablet Kiosk to Facilitate Creating and Sharing Documentation at Fab Labs. Master's Thesis, RWTH Aachen University,March 2012.
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