The Media Computing Group: Fun Stuff
- (:cool:) 04.01.2005: See Jan get iPOed:

- Bill Gates Strikes a Pose for Teen Beat Photospread
- This might come in handy occasionally (:wink:):

- This one as well (:mrgreen:):

- The gentle way of getting bad news across: green check marks!

- Media Cooking Group
- Another strange sign (seen on a revolving door in the Ludwig Forum, Aachen)

- I REALLY wonder why this cash register isn't working!? (:smile:) (seen at Pontgarten, Aachen; Schlüssel einstecken = insert key)

- Translating English into German...

- Our future is worth THIS?! (:eek:) (seen:

- A nice application for a stamp (seen on the bathroom wall of Jakobshof, Aachen)

- Error: Car not found.

- Now this looks like a really trustworthy ad...(:rolleyes:)

See also: