Fun Stuff Archive 2004
- (:cry:) 03.01.2004: Eric is reminded the hard way that 08:05 is 8:05 in the morning, not evening...
- (:lol:) 27.02.2004: Have you heard the HCI Rap?
- (:lol:) 26.03.2004: The ultimate ping pong match - Jan vs. Eric
- (:razz:) 15.04.2004: iX Needs a Secretary Campaign banner ads
- (:razz:) 20.04.2004: Be informed about the latest Apple developments: Crazy Apple Rumors
- (:rolleyes:) 23.04.2004: Folks, welcome to the CHI 2004 webpage. CHI is the premier conference for HCI.

- (:wink:) 04.05.2004: Thinking of taking your nerd outside in the sunshine? Think again!
- (:eek:) 05.05.2004: Eric almost gets deported back into Germany whilst travelling to Holland.
- (:idea:) 09.05.2004: "The obvious mathematical breakthrough would be development of an easy way to factor large prime numbers." Bill Gates, The Road Ahead, p. 265.
- (:biggrin:) 09.05.2004: Bumper stickers
- (:rolleyes:) 16.05.2004: Introducing the P-P-P-Powerbook
- (:idea:) 21.05.2004 It's snowing - in May!(:cry:)
- (:confused:) 26.05.2004 Whitespace the official programming language at i10.
- (:rolleyes:) 27.5.2004 Stefan's phone crashed:

- (:cool:) 14.7.2004 Talk about precision: Nanobits!
- (:cry:) 02.08.2004 Eric's kitchen catches fire.
- (:biggrin:) 02.10.2004: Mice are boring - check out this cool computer room accessory.
- (:razz:) 04.10.2004: What does this sign mean? (seen in a park in Stockholm)

- (:mrgreen:) 07.10.2004: "If you are tired of stupid questions, just drop your kid here."
- (:wink:)12.10.2004: Hmmm...self-contained UI-tooltips for traffic signs?

- (:confused:) 12.10.2004: Okay, i'll do my best...

- (:biggrin:) 19.10.2004: Seen in a store in San Francisco:

- (:biggrin:) 24.10.2004: For archival purposes, here is the florida voting machine video
- (:biggrin:) 27.10.2004: Who's your daddy?

- (:biggrin:) 19.11.2004: Why does it say 'paper jam' when there IS no paper jam?

- (:eek:) 14.12.2004: Beware of the Flash iPod ("Oh my!")