
Diploma thesis by Tim Hemig, supervised by René Bohne


FabCenter was cited in the TransPortal project report. Their project page is dxlab.de (rb, April, 16th, 2014)


Fabcenter was a diploma thesis project by Tim Hemig at the media computing group.
In the context of open source hardware an the rising distribution of fablabs worldwide it gets more and more important to embrace usability, since not only hackers or early adopters are in the field. Fablabs aim at getting personal fabrication and design into your everyday business.

Download Thesis

You can download a PDF version of the thesis here.


  • We want to provide an open web platform that every fab lab can use to setup its own community in the web, and connect the own group to each other group.
  • Every user can access existing thingiverse.com-projects and is able to schedule visits to the local Fablab.
  • LabMasters are able to organize their lab/staff/devices/schedule inside Fabcenter.

Possible extensions/compatible applications in parallel development at this group:

  • FabFAQ - Stackoverflow-like knowledge sharing and peer support for Personal Fabrication and Personal Design with Thingiverse integration
  • Visicut - Send your files into a web based WYSIWYG lasercutter-app.
  • 3dCustomizer - Design customizable 3d objects on the web.
  • Framer - A Personal Design Tool for 3D Picture Frames.