back 64. Treffen, Mi. 19.11.2014

Here are the results:

We got accepted for hosting an build night. Here are more information:

Stuff to play with:
  • (10) Spark Cores
  • (10) Spark Buttons: See description and photo of the new board below!
  • (2) Maker Kits

Our event is also listed here:

I Want to Participate

Please send an email to René if you want to participate. You need to send a detailed description of your project and a list of all parts that you will need. You also need to provide your username.

Spark Internet Button Board

The Spark Core Internet Button Board is a new shield for Spark with the following components:
  • 4 push buttons on the back
  • 11 WS2812 smart LEDs
  • ADXL362 3-axis accelerometer - Jan Thar ported a library for this sensor to the Spark Core:

There is now a library that you can use called "SparkButton" that should answer almost all question related to the SparkButton! You can find it in the web coding environment ( by searching for "SparkButton" in the libraries section. Just click the bookmark icon, search for it, and then check out the 7 examples!

Pin Mapping

Could not claim core

If you want to claim a Spark Core that was already claimed by another user, you should have a look at this support article: