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  • 28.10.15: Please bring a signed copy of the {file name="Declaration of compliance.pdf" desc="Declaration of Compliance"} to the lab session (latest: 05.11.15).
  • 28.10.15: Please buy a copy of Don Norman's book "The Design of Everyday Things". You can order it at Amazon: Paperback (13.95€).
  • 03.07.15: First DIS 1 lecture of WS 15/16 in Aachen: Oct. 28th, 9:15, room 5053.2a/b.
  • 03.07.15: First DIS 1 lecture of WS 15/16 in Bonn: Nov. 3rd, 14:00, room Main Lecture Hall

Course Content


DateLecture TopicDateLab Topic
28.10.15 S01: Introduction, CMN Model, Fitts' Law 29.10.15 L01: Fitts' Law + CMN
A01: Fitts' Law
04.11.15 S02: Gestalt Laws, Information Content, Visibility, and Affordances 05.11.15 L02: A01 Review
A02: Gestalt Laws
11.11.15 S03: Mappings, Constraints, Seven Stages of Actions 12.11.15 L03: A02 Review
A03: Seven Stages of Action
18.11.15 S04: Knowledge in the World and Head, Errors, Principles of Design 19.11.15 L04: A03 Review
25.11.15 Objectified Screening (only in Aachen) 26.11.15 Midterm preparation
Midterm Exam
02.12.15 S05: History I - From Abacus till Macintosh 03.12.15 L05: Midterm Discussion
09.12.15 S06: History II - Visions, UbiComp, Phases of Technology 10.12.15 L06: Project Introduction, Design Studio
16.12.15 S07: DIA Cycle, Observing Users, Brainstorming, and Storyboards 17.12.15 L07: Project Review (M1: Project definition)
06.01.16 S08: Prototyping 07.01.16 L08: Project Review (M2: User observation, interview)
13.01.16 S09: Evaluation with and without Users, GOMS Model 14.01.16 L09: Project Review (M3: Low-fidelity prototype)
20.01.16 S10: Interface Efficiency, Golden Rules of Interface Design, and Responsiveness 21.01.16 L10: Project Review (M4: Medium-fidelity prototype)
27.01.16 S11: Interaction Design Notations - I 28.01.16 L11: Project Review (M5: Evaluation)
03.02.16 S12: Interaction Design Notations - II 04.02.16 L12: Final Exam Preparation
Project presentation
Project blogs will be frozen
Final exam
Final exam (2nd chance)


DateLecture TopicLab Topic
03.11.15 S01: Introduction, CMN Model, Fitts' Law L01: Fitts' Law + CMN
A01: Fitts' Law
10.11.15 S02: Gestalt Laws, Information Content, Visibility, and Affordances L02: A01 Review
A02: Gestalt Laws
17.11.15 S03: Mappings, Constraints, Seven Stages of Actions L03: A02 Review
A03: Seven Stages of Action
24.11.15 S04: Knowledge in the World and Head, Errors, Principles of Design L04: A03 Review + Midterm Preparation
Midterm exam
08.12.15 S05: History I - From Abacus till Macintosh L05: Midterm Discussion
15.12.15 S06: History II - Visions, UbiComp, Phases of Technology L06: Project Introduction, Design Studio
22.12.15 S07: DIA Cycle, Observing Users, Brainstorming, and Storyboards L07: Project Review (M1: Project definition)
12.01.16 S08: Prototyping L08: Project Review (M2: User observation, interview)
19.01.16 S09: Evaluation with and without users, GOMS model L09: Project Review (M3: Low-fidelity prototype)
26.01.16 S10: Interface Efficiency, Golden Rules of Design, and Responsiveness L10: Project Review (M4: Medium-fidelity prototype)
02.02.16 S11: Interaction Design Notations - I L11: Project Review (M5: Evaluation)
09.02.16 S12: Interaction Design Notations - II L12: Final Exam Preparation
Project presentation
Project blogs will be frozen
Final exam
Final exam (2nd chance)

What is this course about?

This class introduces students to the field of human-computer interaction (HCI) and user interface design. Specifically, the course covers the following topics:

  • Fundamental characteristics of human cognition, such as reaction time, rules of perception, and memory performance
  • Models of interaction between people and their environment, such as affordances, mappings, constraints, slips, and mistakes
  • Milestones in the history of human-computer interaction
  • Principles of iterative design
  • User interface prototyping techniques
  • User studies and evaluation methods
  • Golden rules of user interface design
  • User interface design notations

After this class, students will know how user interfaces have been developed over the past decades, and what constants of human performance need to be considered when designing them. This class forms the basis for the classes “ Designing Interactive Systems II ” (which looks at more technical aspects of user interface development) and “ Current Topics in HCI and Media Computing ”, as well as the “ Post-Desktop User Interfaces ” seminar and other courses from our research group. Students will be able to apply iterative design, prototyping, and evaluation methods to design usable, appropriate user interfaces in a user-centered fashion. All assignments are group assignments to foster collaboration skills, and project-based to strengthen project planning, conflict management and presentation skills. Learning to think in designers' terms is a crucial competence for computer scientists working on user interfaces, a job that requires collaboration in interdisciplinary teams.

Course Allocation

Fields of study:

  • Informatik (B.Sc.), (M.Sc.)
  • Media Informatics (M.Sc.)/Multimedia-Benutzung und -Wirkung/in Aachen (mandatory course)
  • Software Systems Engineering (M.Sc.)/Areas of Specialization/Media Computing and Interactive Systems
  • Technical Communication (B.Sc.) (mandatory course)

Number SWS: V3 + Ü2
ECTS Credits: 6
This lecture will be held in English. All assignment submissions and exams must be written in English.

Course Registration

DatesWhat to doRemarks
AC: 05.10. to 11.11.
BN: 05.10. to 05.11.
Register for the lecture on CAMPUS System
A guide for registration (Bonn): {file name="Registration Guide.pdf" desc="Registration Guide"}
Only 100 seats are available in Aachen
We give priority to those who need DIS 1 as compulsory course
05.11.15 Registration results for Aachen will be announced in the afternoon. Make sure that you have access to L2P
20.11.15 Deadline to register for the exam  
27.11.15 Last date to unregister  




LectureWed 09:15h - 11:45hRoom 5053.2a/bStarting 28.10.15
Lab Thu 08:30h - 10:00h Room 5053.2a/b Starting 29.10.15
Midterm exam Tue 15:00h - 17:30h Room 9222 and room 5053.2a/b 01.12.15
Final exam Tue 14:00h - 16:30h AH II and room 9222 16.02.16
Second chance midterm Wed 09:30h - 11:30h AH III in Aachen 23.03.16
Second chance final Wed 11:30h - 14:00h AH III in Aachen 23.03.16

Note: Room 5053.2a/b is opposite to AH VI on the ground floor of the E2 building.


LectureTue 14:00h - 16:30hMain Lecture Hall, B-IT Center BonnStarting 03.11.15
Lab Tue 16:45h - 18:15h Main Lecture Hall, B-IT Center Bonn Starting 03.11.15
Midterm exam Tue 15:00h - 17:30h Main Lecture Hall, B-IT Center Bonn 01.12.15
Final exam Tue 14:00h - 16:30h Main Lecture Hall, B-IT Center Bonn 16.02.16
Second chance midterm Wed 09:30h - 11:30h AH III in Aachen 23.03.16
Second chance final Wed 11:30h - 14:00h AH III in Aachen 23.03.16


Your grade will be calculated as follows:

Scored Items
Assignments A01–03
Midterm exam
Final exam

Missing the midterm

  • If you cannot attend the midterm for valid reasons (medical reason, exam schedule conflicts), you need to inform us before the midterm, and submit a scanned copy of the evidence (medical certificate, course registration, boarding passes) within 5 days after the midterm.
    • If the reason for missing the midterm is valid, you will do your first attempt of the midterm for the parts that you missed on the same date as the second chance exam.
    • If the reason is not valid, you will not get any score from that midterm. If your overall score passed the course, you will not have a chance to take the midterm again.
  • If you are writing the final exam on the 2nd chance date and had a valid reason for missing the midterm (see above), you will have to take both the midterm and final exam in the second chance on the same date.


Assignments and project make up 40% of your final grade.

For assignments that are handed in after the due date, we will deduct one grading step for every 24 hours. Assignments that are handed in after they have been discussed in the lab session will not be graded and will automatically receive a 5.0 grade.

Code of Conduct

We do not tolerate plagiarism or cheating. If you hand in any exam, assignment, or seminar paper that violates the terms of the {file name="Declaration of compliance.pdf" desc="Declaration of Compliance"}, you will fail the course, and it may result in further consequences (Bachelor- / Masterordnung: §10 (4), DPO97: §8 (4)).

Reading Material

We highly recommend that you buy Norman's book, since you have to read it for class during the first few weeks. From the Dix et. al. and Schneiderman books, you just have to read some chapters. You can find these books in the library.

Lecture Videos

Video recordings of each lecture in Aachen will be available on iTunes U for reviewing. We aim to publish the videos within 72 hours after each lecture.

Note: The video recordings are not an alternative to attending the lecture. Should the class attendance fall below 50% of registered students,
we will stop publishing the videos unless class attendance is back above 50%.

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

!!Past Offerings: