Current Topics in Media Computing and Human Computer Interaction (SS 2011)
- Registration information: Campus Office website
- L2P SS 2011
Field of study:
- Informatik (D)/Hauptstudium/Praktische Informatik
- Media Informatics (M.Sc.)/Multimedia-Technologie/in Aachen
- Software Systems Engineering (M.Sc.)/Areas of Specialization/Media Computing and Interactive Systems
Number SWS: V2 + U3
ECTS Credits: 6
This lecture will be held in English. All assignments submissions and exams will be in English.
This class covers current research trends in Human-Computer Interaction and Media Computing. We use a mix of recent book chapters and papers from conferences and journals of the last few years to give you an idea of the hot topics that are being worked on in the international research community. Examples from past years include zoomable user interfaces, haptic input/output devices, matrix calculus for user interface modeling, and ubiquitous display technologies. The class also teaches you how to quickly retrieve information from existing literature, a skill you will need for your diploma thesis and future research work.
Event list for Summer Semester 2011
- 05.04.11 HCI Design Patterns (Part 1)
- 12.04.11 HCI Design Patterns (Part 2)
- 19.04.11 Focus, context, and zoomable interface
- 26.04.11 Natural Gestures (Guest lecture: Prof. Mittelberg & Dr. Grandhi, Natural Media & Engineering Group, Humtec)
- 17.05.11 HCI Researches on Social Media
- 31.05.11 Fab Lab, Rapid Prototyping, and Personal Fabrication
- 07.06.11 (Non-flat) Digital Surfaces
- 21.06.11 Pen Interaction and Hybrid Documents
- 28.06.11 Sustainability in HCI
- 05.07.11 Human Computation
Your grade will be calculated as follows:
- 100% Exam
- (bonus points) 10% Assignments (Average assignment grade higher than 4.0 is needed to attend the exam.)
Tue 10:00h - 11:30h | Room 2010 | lecture |
Wed 13:00h - 14:30h | Room 2010 | lab |
- Exam part 1: 24.05.11
- Exam part 2: 12.07.11
- Second chance (both parts): 26.07.11
- Recommended: Jef Raskin, The Humane Interface.
- Other literature to be announced on L2P.