
BallMe® is an action-packed game for two players. The goal is to kick the ball into the opponents goal by deforming the ground itself. This is achieved through the magic of the pressure-sensitive multi-touch keyboard, developed by Microsoft Research.
To play, position yourself opposite of your opponent on either side of the keyboard. When the game starts, press down the keys to deform the ground under the ball and manouver it over the game board. Whoever manages to push the ball all the way towards the opponent’s goal area, scores a point. A match is won as soon as one player reaches 3 points. Careful, though! Some hand-to-hand interaction might occur while trying to press forward...
BallMeR was presented at Student Innovation Contest at the UIST 2009 conference on Oct. 4-7 in Victoria, Canada. It won the 2nd price in the UIST 2009 Student Innovation Contest in the category "Best Implementation".
- Click here to download an in-game video! (QuickTime movie, 51.3 MB)
- Watch the video of the contest presentation on YouTube!
- Download the executable here! (9.6 MB, compiled for Mac OS X 10.6, 64-bit) - requires Microsoft's pressure-sensitive keyboard
Technical background
- Physics computed using Bullet Physics Library.
- Graphics rendered with OpenGL.
- Programming languages: Objective-C, C++ and C
- UITK: Cocoa
- Target platform: Mac OS X 10.6