Dipl.-Inform. Martin Wermers
Diploma Thesis Student (Alumni)
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interests / personal information
I was a diploma thesis student of Gero Herkenrath. For my thesis, I researched new ways to increase interaction and communication in small groups using location aware mobile audio guides, resulting in the GroupAixplorer audio guide prototype. If you are interested in my thesis, feel free to download it here.
- Martin Wermers, Gero Herkenrath and Jan Borchers. GroupAixplorer: An Interactive Mobile Guide for Small Groups. In CHI '11: Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM Press, New York, NY, USA, 2011.
- Martin Wermers. Small Group Interaction Methods on Location-Aware Mobile Audio Guides. Diploma Thesis, RWTH Aachen University,December 2010.
Previous work and project involvement
- Hiwi activities
- iPhone Developer of the Aixplorer project since SS 10
- Assignment tutor for iPhone Application Programming course in WS 09/10
- Cocoa programmer on the Associative PDA project in SS 09
- Student activities
- As a final project of DIS II Stefka Penkova and I developed Catch me if you can, a little two player game developed in Java. Each player controls a rabbit via a Phidgets accelerometer mounted on the head (rabbit direction control) and a camera tracking up and down movement of the players feet (rabbit acceleration control). The goal of the game is to become the hunter player and then catch the hunted to score points. But watch out for the obstacles...
Competences / Skills:
- Objective-C, C, C++, Java, Prolog
- Cocoa, Cocoa Touch, MS Visual C++ with MFC 7.0
- Max/MSP, Quartz Composer
- Mac OS X, iOS, Linux, Windows
- Apple Certified Support Professional & Apple Certified Technical Coordinator 10.5