Seminar: Post-Desktop User Interfaces

Seminar topics:

  1. Olfactory Displays (10.11.2005) (report, slides, video)
  2. Adaptive Selection/Composition of Music (17.11.2005) (report, slides, video)
  3. Interaction with Eyes (24.11.2005) (report, slides, video)
  4. Performing Music in Augmented/Virtual Space (1.12.2005) (report, slides, video)
  5. Technology and its role in the home (8.12.2005) (video)
  6. Remote Music Collaboration (15.12.2005) (report, slides, video)
  7. Motion Estimation (22.12.2005) (report, slides, video)
  8. Map Navigation for Smartphones (12.1.2006) (report, slides, video)
  9. Designing for Large Public Displays (19.1.2006) (report, slides, video)
  10. Pervasive and Mobile Games (26.1.2006) (report, slides, video)

Additional Materials

Intro Slides The Elements of Style

Pervasive and Mobile Games (26.1.2006) - Dennis Pannhausen, Kreso Spisic

advisor: Tico Ballagas

Motion Estimation (22.12.2005) - Canan Bicer, Andreas Pancenko

advisor: Tico Ballagas

Further Questions:
- What metrics exist for motion estimation algorithms, which algorithms perform the best for these metrics? Why?
- Under what conditions do these algorithms break down?
- What algorithms would be most effective for the Sweep technique?

Designing for Large Public Displays (19.1.2006) - Tobias Hoffman, Christian Köhler

advisor: Tico Ballagas

Map Navigation for Smart Phones (12.1.2006) - Iliyana Ivanova, Christian Charles

advisor: Tico Ballagas
CHI '05: Extended abstracts of the 2005 conference on Human factors and computing systems, Portland, Oregon, USA, 2005.

Olfactory Displays (10.11.2005) - Tanja Wellens, Christian Guggenmos

advisor: Daniel Spelmezan

Interaction with Eyes (24.11.2005) - Mahsa Jenabi, Andreas Jacobs

advisor: Daniel Spelmezan

Remote Music Collaboration (15.12.2005) - Gero Herkengrath, Onusa Yamchareon

advisor: Jan Buchholz
  • Daisyphone: The Design and Impact of a Novel Environment for Remote Group Music Improvisation, N. Bryan-Kinns, 2004 Conference on Designing Interactive Systems
  • A Protocol For Remote Musical Session with Fluctuated Tempo, Masahiro Yoshida, Yuka Obu, Tatsuhiro Yonekura, 2003 3rd International Conference on Cyberworlds
  • Musical Interaction at a Distance - Distributed Immersive Performance, E. Chew et. al, 4th Open Workshop of MUSICNETWORK
  • Netmusic: Echtzeitfähige Konzepte und Systeme für den telekooperativen Austausch musikalischer Informationen, Markus Welzl, 1997, Diploma Thesis

Performing Music in Augmented/Virtual Space (1.12.2006) - Mehrnaz Alirezaie, Joel Mendoza

advisor: Jan Buchholz

Adaptive Selection/Composition of Music (17.11.2005) - Markus Kohls, Yang Yang

advisor: Jan Buchholz

Technology and its role in the home (8.12.2005) - Sinem Kuz, Martin Brüggeman

advisor: David Holman

File Description File size Downloads Last modified
Intro.pdf   8888 kB 1949 2005-08-30 23:25
paper PDUI.pdf Technolofy in the home - report 178 kB 688 2006-04-04 10:17
tech_role_home.pdf Technology in the home - slides 502 kB 938 2006-04-04 10:18

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