Henning Kiel
Student Assistant
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My thesis was supervised by Jonathan Diehl.
Reducing Mental Context Switches During Programming
Supporting Code Comprehension using Semantic Links in Software Development Artifacts
Test cases can be a key artifact for program comprehension. By identifying and presenting test cases relevant to the source code currently worked on by the user, program comprehension can be improved. Especially in test-driven development this can be of great use as test cases already serve as low-level specification of the implementation and are always kept up-to-date.
In the work presented here, a prototype was realized implementing above idea as a plugin for a widely used text editor. The given prototype was evaluated in a user study. While no impact on program comprehension was found, the plugin improved navigation between source code and test cases.
Download Thesis Download Software Prototype
Project involvement:
- Henning Kiel. Reducing mental context switches during programming. Diploma Thesis, RWTH Aachen University,June 2009.
- Eric Lee, Ingo Grüll, Henning Kiel and Jan Borchers. conga: A Framework for Adaptive Conducting Gesture Analysis. In NIME 2006 International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, pages 260–265,Paris, France, June 2006.
- Eric Lee, Henning Kiel, Saskia Dedenbach, Ingo Gruell, Thorsten Karrer, Marius Wolf and Jan Borchers. iSymphony: An Adaptive Interactive Orchestral Conducting System for Conducting Digital Audio and Video Streams. In CHI '06: Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pages 259–262, ACM Press, Montréal, Canada, April 2006.
- Eric Lee, Henning Kiel and Jan Borchers. Scrolling Through Time: Improving Interfaces for Searching and Navigating Continuous Audio Timelines. TechReport, number AIB-2006-17, Dec 2006.