Other HCI- and Media Computing-related groups at RWTH Aachen University

DepartmentChair/GroupProfessorSample Research TopicsSample Collaborations
Computer Science Learning Technologies Prof. Schroeder   Deceptive Designs (Dark Patterns)
Electrical Engineering Nachrichtentechnik Prof. Ohm audio and video signal processing OpenCV on Mac OS X
Electrical Engineering Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion Prof. Roßmann robotics, virtual reality  
Psychology Allgemeine und Arbeitspsychologie Prof. Ziefle cognitive and display ergonomics, psychomotor efficiency HumTec
Psychology   Prof. Rosenthal-von der Pütten    

Former Groups

Architecture CAAD Prof. Russell interactive environments Bionic Buildings Joint Lab, HumTec
Mechanical Engineering Arbeitswissenschaft Prof. Schlick industrial ergonomics, work organization  
Language & Communication Text Linguistics Prof. Jakobs technical communication HCI Design Patterns, HumTec
Psychology Work and Cognitive Psychology Prof. Müsseler dual-task performance, selective attention Sensory-Motor Transformations