Girls' and Boys' Day 2021

Last year the Girls' and Boys' Day was sadly canceled due to the pandemic. This year thanks to the organizer we were able to conduct the event online via Zoom.

The topic for our course was: 'I'm programming a microcontroller'. The participants received a package that included an Arduino Kit with an Arduino Uno and different input and output components such as button, LED, pressure sensor, and servo motor. In the course, we worked through the basics of Arduino programming and followed the lessons of the booklet Arduino in a Nutshell. The course took place from 10:00-14:00 with a lunch break in between. The participants were really motivated and together we were able that every girl could program her Arduino at home which is not easy as hardware always comes along with a lot of problems: choosing the right port and board to program, small syntax issues, etc. All in all the course was very successful. 

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