Christian Frohn
Bachelor Thesis Student
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Bachelor thesis project: FabQR
Supervisor: René Bohne
My bachelor thesis project FabQR deals with the integration of QR codes in the workflow of FabLabs.
FabQR is aimed at solving the issue that many users of FabLabs do not publish their created projects on a regular basis, which is obstructive for the exchange of knowledge and ideas between FabLab users.
The implementation of FabQR mainly deals with the lasercutter, although the idea of identifying project files with QR codes could also be applied to other tools and machines.
In the context of the lasercutter these QR codes can additionally be used to create an interactive placing of lasercutting schemes:
Users can place and rotate their QR code in reality and the identified cutting schemes will be placed and rotated in the lasercutter software (VisiCut) accordingly.
In the following images you can see some more details of the workflow and the features.
These images contain icons from Font Awesome by Dave Gandy - http://fontawesome.io/: