Basic tutorial for using the Lasercutter
Learn the basics of using the laser cutter at Fab Lab Aachen!Approaching up the laser cutter
When the laser cutter is not in use, you should find it in the following state:- top hatch open
- all other hatches closed
- vector grid placed inside the laser cutter with front panel closed
- power plug connector switched off (Exhaustion and Air Curtain Pump are off, too)
Be sure to leave the Lasercutter in this state, after using it!
Should you find it in a different state, please contact Jan (anybody).
Setting up the laser cutter

- switch ON the power plug connector (be sure, that the Air Curtain Pump is switched ON as well)
- check if the laser cutters main power switch is ON (otherwise turn it ON)
- check if the Sensor for the Exhaust is in place (if not, place it on the "INTERLOCKS"-LED)
- wait for the Lasercutter to finish initialization (Display reads:"Job: ")

- press "Fokus(5)": the carrier (x-axis) moves to a forwarded position
- fold down the focus-pin and use "UP(^)" & "DOWN(v)" to adjust the vector grids z-position. The focus is correct, if the bottom of the focus-pin is just touching the vector grid's surface (slide the pin left<->right to make sure)
- press "Reset" to go back to operating mode
- be sure to check "Focus is initially on the base plate instead of the material surface" in VisiCut!
Place Material & start your JOB

- place your Material in the top-left corner of the vector grid
- send your JOB from VisiCut and wait until the green "Data"-LED turns OFF and the Display shows your JOB-name (usually "visicut##")
- close the top hatch (exhaustion should turn ON!) and press "START" to start your JOB.
Job has finished
- display reads: "Done"
- open the top hatch (Exhaustion keeps running for a minute or two)
- remove your materials from the vector grid
If small parts have fallen through the grid, then proceed as follows:
- open the front hatch
- remove the vector grid's front panel by unscrewing the two green thumb screws
- remove your parts (and debris) from the bottom of the grid !!! be careful: sharp edges !!!
- close the vector grid's front panel and tighten the two screws
- close the laser cutter's front hatch
After use
- open top hatch
- switch OFF the power plug connector
- state of the laser cutter has to be as described at the beginning of the tutorial!