How to register for this course as a student from BIT: Follow the {file name="DIS 1 Bonn - how to register.pdf" desc="BIT Registration Guide"}

Course information:

Lecture slides, exercises and other downloadable material will be available in the L²P learning rooms


Field of study:
  • Informatik (D)/Hauptstudium/Praktische Informatik
  • Media Informatics (M.Sc.)/Multimedia-Benutzung und -Wirkung/in Aachen
  • Software Systems Engineering (M.Sc.)/Areas of Specialization/Media Computing and Interactive Systems
Number SWS: V3 + Ü2 (new from WS1011)
ECTS Credits: 6 (new from WS1011)
This lecture will be held in English.


This class introduces students to the field of human-computer interaction (HCI) and user interface design. Topics covered include:
  • fundamental characteristics of human cognition, such as reaction time, rules of perception, and memory performance,
  • models of interaction between people and their environment, such as affordances, mappings, and constraints,
  • a brief history of interactive technologies,
  • iterative design, user interface prototyping techniques,
  • user studies and evaluation methods.

The class will be accompanied by a lab in which students conduct experiments and design a series of user interface prototypes to apply the concepts learned. The last half of the lab will be used for a larger coherent project.

After the class, students will know how user interfaces have developed over the past decades, and what constants of human performance need to be considered when designing user interfaces. They will be able to apply a series of prototyping and evaluation methods to design usable, appropriate user interfaces in a user-centered fashion.



Mon 13:15h - 14:45hRoom 2U13lab
Wed 09:30h - 12:00hRoom 2010lecture
Tue 14:00h - 16:30hMain Lecture Hall, B-IT Center Bonnlecture
Thu 15:15h - 16:45hMain lecture Hall, B-IT Center Bonnlab

NOTE: Since we give all 3 SWS at once we added 15 minutes pause to the lecture time slots.


Please, register for this course within Oct 31st.
Otherwise you will not have access to the lecture materials nor to our computer lab.


It is highly recommended to buy the book of Norman since you have to read it for class. From the Dix et. al. and Schneiderman books you just have to read some chapters. You can find these books in the library.


Please note the date of the midterm exam and final exam (TBA in first lab or lecture). In the event that you cannot make it on those dates, it is your responsibility to notify us in advance, or you will receive a 5.0 grade.

Grading policy

If you wish to take the course for credit, you must complete all assignments, lab exercises and exams. You will pass (and receive a schein) upon successful completion of the course with a grade. The grade will be calculated as follows:
    • 50% - midterm exam
    • 50% - final exam
Note that you must achieve a cumulative score above 4.0 and pass the final exam to pass the course. You also need an average grade of assignments above 4.0 to attend the midterm exam. The same rule applies for the project grade and final exam.

Assignments and projects that are graded above 2.0 will give 10% bonus points to the exam.

For assignments that are handed in after the due date we will deduct one grading step per 24 hours. Assignments that are handed in after they have been discussed in the lab session will not be graded and automatically receive a 5.0 grade.

Code of Conduct

At the media computing group we have no tolerance for cheating and plagiarism. In short, this means that choosing to hand in any exam, assignment, or seminar paper that violates the terms of the {file name="Declaration of compliance.pdf" desc="Declaration of Compliance"} results in failing the course and may result in further consequences (Bachelor- / Masterordnung: §10 (4), DPO97: §8 (4)).

Please bring a signed copy of the {file name="Declaration of compliance.pdf" desc="Declaration of Compliance"} to the first lecture or lab session!