Claude Bemtgen
Master Thesis Student
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Master's thesis:
My Supervisor was Simon Völker.
Touch Graffle: Developing a Diagramming Software for Large Multi-touch Tables
Abstract: ''Diagrams are a popular resource to convey the relationship between different objects
or states. Tools that let people create these kinds of graphs on a standard
computer are numerous and everyone has its own advantages and disadvantages.
However, they have one thing in common; they have all been designed to be operated
with a single mouse and a keyboard. With the growth of the tablet market,
enterprises started gradually porting their products to these mobile devices. Even
though they encourage the use of multiple direct input points, the implementations
are only copies of the desktop versions that do not take into account the higher degrees
of freedom.
Touch Graffle addresses this issue. It does not only run on a larger, more overseeable
multi-touch table, but it actually exploits the advantages of multiple, simultaneous
input traces. I imagined an attuned gesture set, that allows a facilitated and
straightforward multi-touch manipulation of diagrams. Like this, the user can focus
on her actual task and does not need to think about how to reach her goal. As a
benefit, I will also compare the different strategies that users pursue on the various
Bachelor's thesis:
My Supervisor was Leonhard Lichtschlag.
Fly Remote: Reciting Canvas Presentations on an iPad
Abstract: From the moment where it became customary to rely on presentation software
to facilitate own talks, slide presentations have been the standard visualization
technique. However, during the last five years, canvas presentations have become
more and more popular. One tool to create such presentations is Fly, which
is currently being developed at the RWTH Aachen university. To make better
use of its zoomable user interface, it is extended by its mobile version – Fly Remote.
Fly Remote should give the user more freedom during her talk and not bound her
to a stationary computer, so she could better face the audience and appear more
enthusiastic. Therefore, the interface of the application had to be well planed. In
two iterative phases, I tried to constantly improve the program, so that the presenter
could make good use of all the natural gestures like pinching, sliding, tapping,
etc., without concentrating too much on what she is doing and focus more on what
she is saying.