Mannu Lambrichts: A Holistic View on Electronics Toolkits

Aachen Maker Meetup, Nov 16, 2022 (via Zoom)

Mannu Lambricht has created what is probably the world's biggest catalog of electronics prototyping toolkits. As part of his research as a PhD candidate at Hasselt University, he has compared and categorized countless toolkits to understand objectively what characteristics of these toolkits help makers in their projects. His taxonomy is online at

However, there is an even more ambitious goal behind this work: From his insights, Mannu has begun to design a new kind of toolkit that speeds up prototyping without limiting creativity or debugging, which he will also share details about during his talk.

The meeting takes place online using Zoom. The URL will appear to the right when you sign up for the event here:

We’ll meet at 6.30pm for some socializing, and Mannu will start his short presentation at 7pm. Afterwards we’ll have time for Q&A on whatever you want to ask Mannu about his work.