Aachen Maker Meetup #123 (Wed, Jan 15, 2020): Open-Source machines to recycle plastics locally

Today's Meetup started with Friedrich Kegel presenting the Precious Plastic Project in which he is a volunteer developer. The insights that he gave us into the world of open source recycling with the help of custom machines can be found in his slides and a video of his talk below.

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These glasses and hooks were made using the injection molding machine from Precious Plastic.

As a fitting addition to Friedrichs talk, Aron Heibges donated his DIY filament extruder as part of a giveaway quiz after the talk. The proud winner of this contraption - including lifetime e-mail support - is Franz-Josef!

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Afterwards the pizza was delivered and the participants made short work of it.

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Then the meetup started its second stage: Exchange of news, discussions about wierd machines and ideas, presenting past projects and the creation of new things.

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Here for example we see Moritz Messerschmidt showing off an iteration of his Badgemaker, which is a small engraver for acrylic business cards.

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Birgit used the Lasercutter to create a game board for this marble game.

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Discussions about the ESP8266 were held.