Face of Eugen Yu

Eugen Yu

Postgraduate Research Assistant

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Full contact data(Internal only)

Restricted Access(Internal only)

Current Activities

  • REXplorer programming, a pervasive game for the exploration of Regensburg
    • applies GPS technologies and Phonecam Interactions
  • Developer of a zoomable UI for mechanical engineering projects


Area of Interests


Ubiquitous Computing

  • Smart Environment
    • Bundling technologies together such that a conference room appears to be a coherent system
    • Design and implementation of a multiple machines, multiple users, multiple devices environment
    • We use a tuple-based communication platform called Eventheap introduced in the iWork project by Stanford University
  • Pervasive Game
    • Use of cellphones and GPS to create a gaming platform


Zoomable UI

  • Managing hierarchical information is often done by showing the tree and its paths. Another alternative is to provide information on a plane and allow the user to navigate through the information by zooming in or out and panning the camera. (birdview perspective)



QTJava lib

This program demonstrates how to load and play a media file with the QTJava library.
It also shows you how to apply a filter. (effects that takes only one source)

Note about Eventheap

  • in case of compilation success but execution error, check if there are the following dynamic libraries(libceheap2.dylib, libidk.dylib) at /usr/local/lib/
  • alternatively, and definitely a better solution, is to create a folder named "lib" in your home directory and copy the aforementioned library files into it. See "man dyld" for more informaiton. (Christoph, thanks for that)
  • also use "sudo gcc_select 3.3" if you have difficulties at compilation time.


Restarting OS X's speech recognition

Consider the following files in the ~/library/Preferences folder:

  • especially: com.apple.speech.recognition.AppleSpeechRecognition.prefs.plist
    • quit sys preferences as an application; delete this file; restart sys prefrences; turn on speackable items; you should see the floating microphone
  • com.apple.speech.recognition.feedback.prefs.plist
  • com.apple.speech.recognition.SRLanguageModeler.plist
  • or files that contain "speech" or "recognition" in their name



  • Diplomathesis about focus methods in ubiquitous environment.
    • Focus methods involving different modalities. See Restricted Access for further details



  • Rafael Ballagas, Steffen P. Walz, Sven Kratz, Claudia Fuhr, Eugen Yu, Martin Tann, Jan Borchers and Ludger Hovestadt. REXplorer: A Mobile, Pervasive Spell-Casting Game for Tourists.  In CHI '07: Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pages 1929–1934, ACM Press, New York, NY, USA, 2007.
    MoviePDF DocumentBibTeX Entry
  • 2006

  • Eugen Yu. Evaluation of Focus Methods in a Ubiquitous Computing Environment. Master's Thesis, RWTH Aachen University,July 2006.
    PDF DocumentBibTeX Entry

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