i10 Latex Templates
Please report any problems you might encounter while using the template to Oliver Nowak.
Bachelor/Master/PhD Thesis LaTeX Template
- Click here to open the template in Overleaf.
- In Overleaf, click on the Menu button in the top left corner.
- Then either download the source or copy the project into your own Overleaf.
- Make sure to fill in your data in the lines 38–43 in the main.tex file to update the cover page.
- If you write a PhD thesis, uncomment line 6 in the main.tex file.
- The template also works with the local TexpadTeX typesetter in Texifier. However, for the index to be rendered correctly, you need to change the typeset configuration to use gloassaries instead of imakeidx for the index runs. You need to temporarily disable Auto-Sense to change this setting.
- If your thesis does not contain a table, comment line 58 in the main.tex file.
Seminar LaTeX Template
i10 LaTeX seminar template | english |
Click here to show deprecated thesis template information.
i10 Master/Diploma/Bachelor/PhD Thesis LaTeX Template
- Eine TeX / LaTeX Vorlage für wissenschaftliche Bachelorarbeiten, Masterarbeiten, Diplomarbeiten, Seminararbeiten und Dissertationen könnt ihr unter dem untenstehenden Link herunterladen.
- You can download the i10 TeX / LaTeX Template for master's / bachelor's theses, dissertations, and seminar papers below.
- Please read the README file in the template folder.
Note: The cover page in the template is provided as an editable PDF - please use a third party tool (e.g., Inkscape, Illustrator) to edit that page.
i10 LaTeX master/bachelor thesis template | blue cover, PDF | english |
i10 LaTeX PhD thesis template | cover as required by FB 1.1 | english |
Please report any problems you might encounter while using the template to Oliver Nowak.
Internal Info
Also available are:
- A bundle for TextMate containing the most important commands from the template (this will also work with Sublime Text 2: copy and rename the Snippets folder to the Sublime Packages folder)
- A color palette for the Mac ColorPicker
- A template for a nice hardcover if your thesis is printed by Comouth
The font used in the template should be Zapf's final digital version of his Palatino Typeface which is sold by Linotype. Depending on your operating system and TeX distro you might end up using either URW's Palladio font or the Book Antigua typeface which ships with MS Office. These fonts look similar enough so you should not need to worry about that (from an ethic point of view you may want to read up on the history of Palatino, though).
If you want to include text in external media such as graphics or imported tables and your OS can only handle TrueType fonts, you can find the free Palladio typeface files in the source bundle of Ghostscript.
Editor Recommendation
by Jonathan Diehl
The following combination of software will allow you to navigate from your LaTeX source to the PDF and back:
- Install MacTeX
- Install Sublime Text 2
- Install Sublime Text 2 command line tool:
ln -s "/Applications/Sublime Text 2.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl" ~/bin/subl
If this does not work try:ln -s "/Applications/Sublime Text 2.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl" ~/.rvm/bin/subl
- Install Sublime Package Control
- Install LaTeX Packages from Sublime Text: CMD-SHIFT-P, "Package Control: Install Package" -> LaTeXTools)
- Install Skim
- Link Skim to Sublime Text 2: Skim Preferences, Sync, PDF-TeX support, Command: subl, Arguments: "%file":%line
- From Sublime Text 2 preferences, select "Settings - Default", and set "spell_check": true,
When building TeX from Sublime Text 2 (CMD-B), Skim will jump to and show your cursor position in the TeX document. When CMD-SHIFT-clicking a character in the PDF in Skim, Sublime Text 2 will jump to that position.
If the autocompletion in Sublime Text 2 does not work (for the references and citations), save all thesis files again using UTF-8 encoding.