Prof. Dr. Dr. Carsten Röcker
Fraunhofer Application Center Industrial Automation (INA)
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+49 5261 7025998
As of September 2014, Carsten Röcker is a professor at the University of Applied Sciences Ostwestfalen-Lippe (OWL) and the Fraunhofer Application Center Industrial Automation (IOSB-INA) in Lemgo.
Until joining OWL, Carsten was a postdoctoral researcher at the Media Computing Group, working in the HumTec Human-Technology Interaction center, a newly established project house established as part of the DFG-funded Excellence University program of RWTH Aachen University. He joined RWTH Aachen in December 2008, and worked with an interdisciplinary team on ubiquitous computing solutions for eHealth scenarios.
Previously, Carsten was a DFG-funded visiting PostDoc at the Media Computing Group, focusing on the evaluation of user requirements for smart work environments. Before joining RWTH Aachen University. he was a PostDoc at the Distributed Cognition and HCI Laboratory at the University of California in San Diego. From 2000 to 2006 he worked as a research associate at the Fraunhofer Integrated Publication and Information Systems Institute (IPSI) in Darmstadt. During that time he was involved in several projects designing novel information and communication technologies for intelligent home and office environments. He has an interdisciplinary background with academic degrees in the areas of computer science (PhD), psychology (PhD), electrical engineering (Master) and management (Master).
For more information please see my personal page at HumTec.
- Röcker, C. (2009). Design Requirements for Future and Emerging Business Technologies: An Empirical Cross-Cultural Study Analyzing the Requirements for Ambient Intelligence Applications in Work Environments. Verlag Dr. Driesen, Taunusstein, Germany. ISBN 978-3-86866-112-5.
- Magerkurth, C., Röcker, C. (Eds.) (2007) Concepts and Technologies for Pervasive Games: A Reader for Pervasive Gaming Research, Volume 1. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, Germany. ISBN 978-3-8322-6223-5.
- Magerkurth, C., Röcker, C. (Eds.) (2007) Pervasive Gaming Applications: A Reader for Pervasive Gaming Research, Volume 2. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, Germany. ISBN 978-3-8322-6224-2.
- Röcker, C. (2006) Awareness and Informal Communication in Smart Office Environments. Verlag Dr. Driesen, Taunusstein, Germany. ISBN 978-3-936328-65-3.
Journals and Book Chapters
- Röcker, C. (2010). Chances and Challenges of Intelligent Technologies in the Production and Retail Sector. In: International Journal of Business and Economic Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 150 - 161.
- Röcker, C., Hinske, S., Magerkurth, C. (2008) Information Security at Large Public Displays. To appear in: M. Gupta, R. Sharman (Eds.): Social and Human Elements of Information Security: Emerging Trends and Countermeasures. IGI Publishing, Niagara Falls, NY.
- Magerkurth, C., Röcker, C. (2007) Towards the Emergence of a New Application Domain. In: C. Magerkurth, C. Röcker (Eds.): Concepts and Technologies for Pervasive Games: A Reader for Pervasive Gaming Research, Volume 1. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, Germany, pp. 5 – 10.
- Hinske, S., Lampe, M., Magerkurth, C., Röcker, C. (2007) Classifying Pervasive Games: On Pervasive Computing and Mixed Reality. In: C. Magerkurth, C. Röcker (Eds.): Concepts and Technologies for Pervasive Games: A Reader for Pervasive Gaming Research, Volume 1. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, Germany, pp. 11 – 38.
- Magerkurth, C., Röcker, C. (2007) Prototyping Pervasive Games: A New Dimension of Complexity. In: C. Magerkurth, C. Röcker (Eds.): Pervasive Gaming Applications: A Reader for Pervasive Gaming Research, Volume 2. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, Germany, pp. 5 – 10.
- Röcker, C., Magerkurth, C., Hinske, S., Lampe, M. (2007) Designing User-Friendly Interfaces for Pervasive Gaming Applications. In: C. Magerkurth, C. Röcker (Eds.): Pervasive Gaming Applications: A Reader for Pervasive Gaming Research, Volume 2. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, Germany, pp. 67 – 84.
- Magerkurth, C., Engelke, T., Röcker, C. (2007) Novel Gaming Applications for Smart Home Environments. In: C. Magerkurth, C. Röcker (Eds.): Pervasive Gaming Applications: A Reader for Pervasive Gaming Research, Volume 2. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, Germany, pp. 85 – 106.
- Streitz, N. A., Prante, T., Röcker, C., van Alphen, D., Stenzel, R., Magerkurth, C., Lahlou, S., Nosulenko, V., Jegou, F., Sonder, F., Plewe, D. (2007) Smart Artefacts as Affordances for Awareness in Distributed Teams. In: N. Streitz, A. Kameas, I. Mavrommati (Eds.): The Disappearing Computer, Springer LNCS 4500, pp. 3 – 29.
- Streitz, N. A., Röcker, C., Prante, T., van Alphen, D., Stenzel, R., Magerkurth, C. (2005) Designing Smart Artifacts for Smart Environments. In: IEEE Computer, 38(3), pp. 41 – 49.
- Streitz, N. A., Magerkurth, C., Prante, T., Röcker, C. (2005) From Information Design to Experience Design: Smart Artefacts and the Disappearing Computer. In: ACM Interactions, Special Issue on Ambient Intelligence - New Visions of Human-Computer Interaction, 12 (4), pp. 21 – 25.
- Lahlou, S., Langheinrich, M., Röcker, C. (2005) Privacy and Trust Issues with Invisible Computers. In: Communications of the ACM, 48(3), pp. 59 – 60.
- Streitz, N. A., Prante, T., Röcker, C., van Alphen, D., Magerkurth, C., Stenzel, R., Plewe, D. A. (2003) Ambient Displays and Mobile Devices for the Creation of Social Architectural Spaces: Supporting informal communication and social awareness in organizations. In: K. O’Hara, M. Perry, E. Churchill, D. Russell (Eds.): Public and Situated Displays: Social and Interactional Aspects of Shared Display Technologies, Kluwer Publishers, pp. 387 – 409.
- Streitz, N. A., Röcker, C., Prante, T., Stenzel, R., van Alphen, D. (2003) Situated Interaction with Ambient Information: Facilitating Awareness and Communication in Ubiquitous Work Environments. In: D. Harris, V. Duffy, M. Smith, C. Stephanidis (Eds.): Human-Centred Computing: Cognitive, Social, and Ergonomic Aspects, New Jersey, Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers, pp. 133 – 137.
Peer-Reviewed Papers
- Röcker, C. (2010). Services and Applications for Smart Office Environments - A Survey of State-of-the-Art Usage Scenarios. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT'10), January 27 - 29, Cape Town, South Africa, pp. 385 - 401.
- Klack, L., Kasugai, K., Schmitz-Rode, T., Röcker, C., Ziefle, M., Möllering, C., Jakobs, E.-M., Russell, P., Borchers, J. (2010). A Personal Assistance System for Older Users with Chronic Heart Diseases. In: Proceedings of the Third Ambient Assisted Living Conference (AAL'10), January 26 - 27, VDE Verlag, Berlin, Germany, CD-ROM.
- Gaul, S.; Ziefle, M., Arning, K., Wilkowska, W., Kasugai, K.; Röcker, C., Jakobs, E.-M. (2010). Technology Acceptance as an Integrative Component of Product Developments in the Medical Technology Sector. In: Proceedings of the Third Ambient Assisted Living Conference (AAL'10), January 26 - 27, VDE Verlag, Berlin, Germany, CD-ROM.
- Ziefle, M., Röcker, C., Kasugai, K., Klack, L., Jakobs, E.-M., Schmitz-Rode, T., Russell, P., Borchers, J. (2009). eHealth – Enhancing Mobility with Aging. In: M. Tscheligi, B. de Ruyter, J. Soldatos, A. Meschtscherjakov, C. Buiza, W. Reitberger, N. Streitz, T. Mirlacher (Eds.): Roots for the Future of Ambient Intelligence, Adjunct Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI'09), November 18 - 21, Salzburg, Austria, pp. 25 - 28.
- Röcker, C. (2009). Toward Smart Office Environments - Benefits and Drawbacks of Using Ambient Intelligence Technologies in Knowledge-Based Enterprises. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Economics, Business, Management and Marketing (EBMM'09), October 9 -11, Singapore, pp. 17 - 21.
- Röcker, C., Feith, A. (2009). Revisiting Privacy in Smart Spaces: Social and Architectural Aspects of Privacy in Technology-Enhanced Environments. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computing, Communication and Control (ISCCC'09), October 9 -11, Singapore, pp. 201 - 205.
- Röcker, C. (2009). Acceptance of Future Workplace Systems: How the Social Situation Influences the Usage Intention of Ambient Intelligence Technologies in Work Environments. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Work With Computer Systems (WWCS’09), August 9 – 14, Beijing, P.R. China, CD-ROM.
- Röcker, C. (2009). Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease-of-Use of Ambient Intelligence Applications in Office Environments. In: M. Kuroso (Ed.): Human-Centered Design, HCII 2009, LNCS 5619. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 1052 - 1061.
- Röcker, C. (2009). Ambient Intelligence in the Production and Retail Sector: Emerging Opportunities and Potential Pitfalls. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovation, Management and Technology (ICIMT'09), May 27-29, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 1393 - 1404.
- Röcker, C. (2009). Requirements and Guidelines for the Design of Team Awareness Systems. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies (ICICT'09), March 25-27, Hong Kong, China, pp. 164 - 172.
- Röcker, C., Magerkurth, C. (2007) Using Ambient Displays to Preserve Privacy in Presence Awareness Systems. In: C. Stephanidis (Ed.): Universal Access in HCI, Part I, HCII 2007, LNCS 4554, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International 2007), July 22 – 27, Beijing International Conference Center, Beijing, P.R. China. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 273 – 283.
- Röcker, C., Hinske, S., Magerkurth, C. (2007) Intelligent Privacy Support for Large Public Displays. In: C. Stephanidis (Ed.): Universal Access in HCI, Part II, HCII 2007, LNCS 4555. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International 2007), July 22 – 27, Beijing International Conference Center, Beijing, P.R. China. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 198 – 207.
- Röcker, C., Etter, R. (2007) Social Radio – A Music-Based Approach to Emotional Awareness Mediation. In: Proceedings of the International Conferences on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI’07), January 28 – 31, Hawaii.
- Etter, R., Röcker, C. (2006) A Tangible User Interface for Multi-User Interaction. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction (TEI'07), February 15 – 17, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
- Röcker, C., Hinske, S., Magerkurth, C. (2006) SPIROS - A System for Privacy-Enhanced Information Representation in Smart Home Environments. In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE’06), July 5 – 6, Athens, Greece, pp. 267 – 274.
- Röcker, C., Magerkurth, C., Haar, M. (2006) User Interfaces for Pervasive Games: Experiences of a Formative Multi-Method Evaluation and its Implications for System Development. In: Proceedings of the Ninth ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All (UI4All’06), September 27 - 28, Königswinter (Bonn), Germany.
- Magerkurth, C., Röcker, C., Engelke, T. (2006) From the Virtual to the Physical: The Gradual Transgression to Pervasive Games. In: Proceedings of Future Play 2006, October 10-12, London, Ontario, Canada, CD-ROM.
- Magerkurth, C., Engelke, T., Röcker, C. (2006) The Smart Dice Cup: A Radio Controlled Sentient Interaction Device. In: Richard Harper, Matthias Rauterberg, Marco Combetto (Eds.): Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC’06), September 20 – 22, Cambridge, United Kingdom, pp. 211 – 216.
- Etter, R., Röcker, C., Gilgen, D. (2006) Supporting Emotional Communication between Multiple Users in Intelligent Home Environments. In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE’06), July 5 – 6, Athens, Greece, pp. 41 – 50.
- Röcker, C., Haar, M. (2006) Exploring the Usability of Video Game Heuristics for Pervasive Game Development in Smart Home Environments. In: Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Pervasive Gaming Applications (PerGames’06), May 6, Dublin, Ireland, pp. 124 – 131.
- Röcker, C., Janse, M., Portolan, N., Streitz, N. A. (2005) User Requirements for Intelligent Home Environments: A Scenario-Driven Approach and Empirical Cross-Cultural Study. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Objects & Ambient Intelligence (sOc-EUSAI’05), October 12 - 14, Grenoble, France, pp. 111 – 116.
- Röcker, C. (2005) Providing Personalized Privacy Support in Public Places. In: Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST’05), October 12 – 14, St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada, pp. 217 – 220.
- Streitz, N. A., Prante, T., Röcker, C., van Alphen, D., Stenzel, R., Magerkurth, C. (2005) Smarte Arbeitsumgebungen zur Unterstützung verteilter sozialer Prozesse. In: Proceedings of Mensch & Computer (M&C’05), September 4 – 7, Linz, Österreich. Wissenschaftsverlag, Oldenbourg, ISBN 3-486-57805-7, pp. 111 – 120.
- Röcker, C., Bayon, V., Memisoglu, M., Streitz, N. A. (2005) Context-Dependent Email Notification Using Ambient Displays and Mobile Devices. In: Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Active Media Technology (AMT’05), May 19 - 21, Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan. IEEE Xplore, Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/AMT.2005.1505288, ISBN 0-783-9036-9, pp. 137 – 138.
- Röcker, C., Memisoglu, M., Streitz, N. A. (2005) How to Present Awareness Information on Large Public Displays? In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International 2005), Volume 3 - Human-Computer Interfaces: Concepts, New Ideas, Better Usability, and Applications, July 22 – 27, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, CD-ROM.
- Röcker, C., Prante, T., Streitz, N. A., van Alphen, D. (2004) Using Ambient Displays and Smart Artefacts to Support Community Interaction in Distributed Teams. In: Proceedings of the OZCHI Conference (OZCHI’04), November 22 - 24, University of Wollongong, Australia, ISBN 1-74128-079, CD-ROM.
- Prante, T., Stenzel, R., Röcker, C., van Alphen, D., Streitz, N. A., Magerkurth, C., Plewe, D. A. (2004) Connecting Remote Teams: Cross-Media Integration to Support Remote Informal Encounters. In: Video Track and Adjunct Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UBICOMP’04), September 7 – 10, Nottingham, England.
- Prante, T., van Alphen, D., Röcker, C., Streitz, N. A., Stenzel, R., Magerkurth, C., Plewe, D. A. (2004) Hello.Wall - Contributing to a Social Architectural Space. In: Interactive Design Award Finalist at the ACM Conference Designing Interactive Systems (DIS'04), August 1 – 4, Cambridge, MA, USA, 2004.
- Prante, T., Stenzel, R., Röcker, C., Streitz, N.A., Magerkurth, C. (2004) Ambient Agoras – InfoRiver, SIAM, Hello.Wall®. In: Extended Abstracts and Video Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’04), April 24 – 29, Vienna, Austria, pp. 763 – 764.
- Prante, T., Röcker, C., Streitz, N. A., Stenzel, R., Magerkurth, C., van Alphen, D., Plewe, D. A. (2003) Hello.Wall – Beyond Ambient Displays. In: Peter Ljungstrand, Jason Brotherton (Eds.): Video Track and Adjunct Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UBICOMP’03), October 12 – 15, Seattle, Washington, USA, pp. 277 – 278.
Recent Talks
- Living and Working in Automated Environments - Evaluating the Concerns of End-Users in Technology-Enhanced Spaces, Second International IEEE Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering, February 28, Singapore
- Services and Applications for Smart Office Environments - A Survey of State-of-the-Art Usage Scenarios. International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, January 27, Cape Town, South Africa.
- Toward Smart Office Environments - Benefits and Drawbacks of Using Ambient Intelligence Technologies in Knowledge-Based Enterprises, International Conference on Economics, Business, Management and Marketing, October 11, 2009, Singapore.
- E-Health - Enhancing Mobility with Aging, International Workshop on Smart Healthcare Applications, November 22, 2009, Melbourne, Australia.
- Revisiting Privacy in Smart Spaces: Social and Architectural Aspects of Privacy in Technology-Enhanced Environments, International Symposium on Computing, Communication and Control, October 10, 2009, Singapore.
- Acceptance of Future Workplace Systems: How the Social Situation Influences the Usage Intention of Ambient Intelligence Technologies in Work Environments, International Conference on Work With Computer Systems, August 13, 2009, Beijing, China.
- Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease-of-Use of Ambient Intelligence Applications in Office Environments, International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, July 24, 2009, San Diego, USA.
- Ambient Intelligence in the Production and Retail Sector: Emerging Opportunities and Potential Pitfalls, International Conference on Innovation, Management and Technology, May 28, 2009, Tokyo, Japan.
- Requirements and Guidelines for the Design of Team Awareness Systems, International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies, March 26, 2009, Hong Kong, China.