Exporting Gerber Files for the Protomat S104

In order to mill your PCB layouts on the Protomat S104, you'll need it in the form of gerber files. A single PCB usually consists of serveral gerber files that each represent a single layer in your design (e.g. copper layer, silkscreen, solderpaste,...). Most CAD software that is suited for the design of PCBs can export gerber files natively. Such gerber files can then be imported into Circuit Pro where they have to be reassigned to their respective layers.
If the imported files adhere to the standard naming convention of KiCad or Eagle, the correct layers will be assigned automatically.

Exporting from KiCad

  1. Open your board layout in pcbnew.
  2. Click on "File -> Plot" to open the Plot window.
  3. Choose the layers that you want to export in the list on the left side.
  4. Choose the output directory via the file picker on the top of the window
  5. Accept the use of relative file paths.
  6. Click on "Generate Drill FIles..."
  7. Click on "Generate Drill FIle"
  8. Click on "Close"
  9. Click on "Plot"
  10. Click on "Close"

The gerber files should now be in the folder that you picked in step 4.

Exporting from Eagle

  1. Open your PCB in the Board editor of Eagle.
  2. Click on "File -> CAM Processor".
  3. Click on "Process Job"

The gerber files should now be in a folder called CAMOutputs.