PO3 Movies

Introduction PO3 Movies are bundles containing a recording of an orchestra plus corresponding metadata with a "po3" extension. They consist of an Info.plist and the data files referenced in that plist.

The "Info.plist" file The Plist file must contain the following keys:
  • name: (String) A user-readable string with the name of the piece this movie represents.
  • stm: (String) The filename of a Semantic Time Movie-bundle containing the video of the piece, the audio tracks and the beat-file.
  • stmDuration: (Number) The length of the video in the stm-bundle in seconds.
  • musicDuration: (Number) The length of the conductable part of above video in seconds. Afterwards, user input will be disabled (so the user doesn't conduct the applause and fade-out). This value has to be less or equal than stmDuration.
  • stfGraphDefinition: (String) The filename for the file defining the STF-Graph for this movie. The important part in this file which can be different for different movies is the definition of the audio tracks. This has to match the amount of instrument groups defined with the emphasis-key described later.
  • emphasis: (Array of 2*n Numbers): Each pair n of numbers at position (2*n, 2*n+1) defines the position of the n'th instrument group recorded for this video. The first number is interpreted as the x-value, the second as the y-value in a coordinate system with origin at (0.0, 0.0) in the lower left corner. The stm-bundle pointed to by the stm-key must contain exactly n+2 mono audio tracks, n for each instrument group plus 2 default left/right tracks.
  • idleMovie: (String) The filename for the movie shown in Idle-state. This is normally a recording of the orchestra tuning their instruments.
  • conductFadeInMovie: (String) The filename of the movie shown when transitioning from idle to conduct state. This should be a recording of the orchestra raising their instruments, and is normally just the first seconds cut out from the recording of the actual piece.

The Plist file may also contain the following keys:
  • complainMovie: (String) The filename of the movie used for the complain sequence. Current complain movies consist of a musician standing up and complaining, resulting in general murmur in the whole orchestra. If this key is present, the following indented keys can also be used:
  • complainPartName: (String) The name of the audio track inside the complain movie which contains the actual spoken complain.
  • complainPartVolume: (Number) Multiplier with which the volume of above complain part is modified. This can be used to raise the voice of the complainer, as in many recordings this person did not have a personal microphone, resulting in a very silent complain compared to the following general murmur.
  • murmurPartName: (String) The name of the audio track inside the complain movie which contains the general murmur after the spoken complain.
  • murmurPartVolume: (Number) Multiplier with which the volume of above murmur part is modified.
  • instrumentEmphasisScale: (Number) Defines how individual instrument groups get emphasised when wiggled towards. This value depends on the recording/postprocessing of the instrument channels. If the default value of 2.3 results in too silent/loud emphasising, it can be adjusted for single movies here.
  • instrumentEmphasisRange: (Number) A float value between 0 and 1, defining the maximum distance from the middle of the conducting gesture to the center of an instrument group at which we start to emphasize this instrument group. The nearer the current conducting gesture is to the center of the instrument group, the more it gets emphasised. The default value of 0.25 is used if this value isn't defined here.

The stm-bundle
An stm-bundle is a folder with an "stm"-extension. It contains video and audio tracks of a piece plus beat timing information in a beats-file. It is normally located inside a PO Movie bundle. The video file has to be in Quicktime format. The audio files has to be AIFF, 16bit Integer (Big Endian), 44.1khz mono files.
The video track doesn't need to have an audio-track. Its filename has to be the alphabetically first of all files inside the stm-bundle.
Alphabetically next have to be the two stereo tracks, first left, then right. Next are the different instrument group tracks, in the order as defined with the "emphasis"-key described above.
Last comes the beat file, with an arbitrary name and a "beats" extension.

The beats-file
This file is generated with the BeatTapper tool, located at SVNROOT/po/utils/BeatTapper.