Personal Orchestra Permanent Demo Setup at i10


  1. Open lower left door on the big glass case
  2. Press On button on the corner of the Mac mini inside
  3. Give the system several minutes to launch completely. It will relaunch the VM and camera before all status bars finally turn green
  4. Pick a piece from the touchscreen, and start conducting up and down with the passive baton
  5. To shutdown the system, press F5(Phil?)

Background info

On August 15, 2014, Thorsten Karrer, Leonhard Lichtschlag and Jan Borchers set up a permanent ready-to-run version of the Personal Orchestra exhibit. It’s in the project space where the large multitouch table used to be. Instructions how to demo it are above, and on a printed sheet on the exhibit.

If you like, give it a shot and try conducting the Vienna Philharmonic! This is the same system we installed in the House of Music Vienna in 2000, and updated in 2009. It’s been running there as a successful exhibit since 2000.

This exhibit must always be ready to demo. Because of this, please ask Jan Borchers before removing any hardware from the exhibit. Thanks!

Find out more about the Personal Orchestra system on the PO Project Page.