Octoprint guide

Installing Octoprint on a Raspberry Pi

Octoprint can be installed onto a Raspberry Pi, or any other Computer using this Guide. The default login credentials of the FabLab PCs were used.

After the installation is finished, the connected printer has to be defined accordingly!

Installing Octoprint to Cura

You need to have the Octoprint Plugin installed in Cura, to be able to connect to it. 

To install Octoprint to Cura, you need to search
for it in the Marketplace and install it. After the
Installation, you need to restart Cura.


Using Octoprint

 Navigate to the "manage printers" tab on Cura.  Ocotprint-Manage-Printers.jpeg
 Select the Printer Octoprint is Connected to.  selct-printer-octoprint.jpeg
Set the printer to be Active.  ste-printer-to-active.jpeg
 Select "connect to OctoPrint"  connect-to-octoprint.jpeg
All the Octoprint instances will be listed here.
Validate the IP Adress of your Octoprint instance.
Select "Request" to get the "API Key", you will be
redirected to Octoprint where you have to login to
get the key. Use the login data of the FabLab


Select "Connect to printer before sending print job"
and then press Connect. Your printer shoud be
ready to recive prints over the Network.
