Face of Tongyan Ning

Tongyan Ning

Master Thesis Student

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I am currently completing the master thesis, passing by interaction on public display. This work is supervised by Chat Wacharamanotham. and cooperated with Quality and Usability Group, Deutsche Telekom Laboratories.


Project Experience

Comparing Hand-free Menu Techniques for Distance Displays
This is a computer vision based menu system applied to interactive TV and interactive public display. I proposed a gestural menu technique, finger counting, and compared its accuracy and satisfaction in different contexts. This project was cooperated with Telecom Paris Tech.

Passing by Interaction in Public

This independent contextual design research project serves my master thesis, in which I proposed an innovative use of context ‘passing by interaction’, designed and evaluated seven controller-free interaction techniques, generalized design guidelines for passing by interaction on public displays.

Basket Ball Game to Engage Passers-by with Public Displays
This game design project employs a camera-equipped public display to present the
mirror metaphors of passers-by and engage them through playing a basketball game. Base on the study result of this game system I provided design recommendation for goal-less games in public places.



Ning, T., Müller, J., Walter, R., Bailly, G., Wacharamanotham, C., Borchers, J., Alt, F. No Need to Stop: Menu Techniques for Passing by Public Displays. Presented at Workshop of Large Displays in Urban Life: from Exhibition Halls to Media Facades. ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI’11, Vancouver, BC, Canada, May, 2011.

Bailly, G., Müller, J., Walter, R, Ning, T., Lecolinet, E. Comparing Free Hand Menu
Techniques for Distant Displays Using Linear, Marking and Finger-Count Menus. In
Proceeding of 13th IFIP TC13 Conference on Human-Computer Interaction,
INTERACT’11, Lisbon, Portugal, September, 2011.


Interest Human Factors, User Experience, Interaction Design



  • Tongyan Ning. Passing-by Interaction in Public. Master's Thesis, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, June 2011.
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  • Tongyan Ning, Jörg Müller, Robert Walter, Gilles Bailly, Chat Wacharamanotham, Florian Alt and Jan Borchers. No Need to Stop: Menu Techniques for Passing by Public Displays.  In CHI 2011 Workshop on Large Displays in Urban Life: from Exhibition Halls to Media Facades, Workshop Paper, Vancouver, Canada, May 2011.
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